I am writing a MULTISTAGE registration pipeline.
1st Stage is a 3D rigid one;
the output is added into CompositTransform object;
Then I set the CompositTransform as the initial transform of the Deformable BSpline stage;
Moving forward I set the multi-resolution transformAdaptors using the CompositTransform in the transformAdaptors->SetTransform() and it yields an ERROR: Transform mismatch.
Thanks for answering @dzenanz.
I did that. I Created a deformableTransform, initialized that, added to the compositTransform,
and set the command compositeTransform->SetOnlyMostRecentTransformToOptimizeOn();
Then I set the compositTransform into the deformableRegistration->SetInitialTransform() with the extra command registration->InPlaceOn();
Now, the questions that arises are the following:
Is it necessary to give the command compositeTransform->AddTransform(deformableRegistration->GetModifiableTransform()) in order to have the compositTransform fully updated?
In the resampling stage, what transform should I use: the compositTransform or the deformableTransform?
Hey @dzenanz, thanks for the help. Although I did not get any further.
A better way to state my issue is:
How can I set the BULK transform in a BSpline registration?
I have the bulk transform (a rigid registration previously found) I only need to connect that into the pipeline.