Multistage Registration using itkRegistrationMethodV4

Hello, everyone.

I am using itkRegistrationMethodV4 to perform a multistage registration: 1st stage is a 3D rigid transform, and the 2nd stage is a BsplineTransform.

The problem I am stucking happens when I try to connect the 1st stage obtained transform into the next stage, the Bspline one:
One way is using compositeTransform:

Although, this looks ok it did not work. For the second stage, It outputs (iteration, metricValue) as follows:

  1152921504606846977       7.09521e-317   
  1152921504606846977       7.09521e-317   
  1152921504606846977       7.09521e-317
  1152921504606846977       7.09521e-317   
  1152921504606846977       7.09521e-317

Which sound non-sense.

The ItkExamples I found (deformableRegistration15.cpp) uses ItkRegistrationMethod not ItkRegistrationMethodV4. That changes how to set the transforms into registrationV4Object.

Any clues are appreciated.