Using LandmarkBasedTransformInitializer for BSpline registrations

I figured out why I was getting a terrible landmark-aligned image:

When it comes to the use of LandmarkBasedTransformInitializer the numberOfControlPoints should be as low as possible (the BSpline order + 1), or 4 in my case.

Setting numberOfControlPoints to even moderately higher values highly distorts the image, and presummably that really bad starting point will lead the optimization astray.

I suppose this is quite obvious but I didn’t conscientiously set a high numberOfControlPoints for LandmarkBasedTransformInitializer. But since I wrapped it up in the registration method function, the same numberOfControlPoints that I wanted for the registration ended up being used for LandmarkBasedTransformInitializer. Hopefully others won’t make the same mistake.

The bad news is that I’m still getting the ComputeJacobianWithRespectToPosition error.

I’ve taken a slightly different approach this time. After succeeding in getting an affine registration with LandmarkBasedTransformInitializer and composing the LandmarkTx and OptimizedTx (example) in the ITKv4 framework (example), I made changes to it for a bspline transform (example):

def BsplineRegWithFiducials(FixIm, MovIm, FixPts, MovPts,
                            NumControlPts=8, SamplingPercentage=5, 
                            LearningRate=5.0, NumIters=100):
    import SimpleITK as sitk
    import numpy as np
    from ipywidgets import interact, fixed

    dim = FixIm.GetDimension()

    # Get landmark transform:
    LandmarkTx = sitk.LandmarkBasedTransformInitializer(transform=sitk.BSplineTransform(dim), 
    SamplingPercentage = SamplingPercentage/100

    ScaleFactors = [1, 2, 4]

    MeshSize = [NumControlPts // ScaleFactors[-1]] * dim
    OptimizedTx = sitk.BSplineTransformInitializer(image1=FixIm,
    RegMethod = sitk.ImageRegistrationMethod()
    #RegMethod.SetInitialTransform(InitialTx, True)
    # Set the initial moving and optimized transforms in ITKv4
    RegMethod.SetInitialTransformAsBSpline(OptimizedTx, inPlace=True,
    RegMethod.SetShrinkFactorsPerLevel([4, 2, 1])
    RegMethod.SetSmoothingSigmasPerLevel([4, 2, 1])
    RegMethod.AddCommand(sitk.sitkStartEvent, StartPlot)
    RegMethod.AddCommand(sitk.sitkEndEvent, EndPlot)
    RegMethod.AddCommand(sitk.sitkMultiResolutionIterationEvent, UpdateMultiresIterations) 
    RegMethod.AddCommand(sitk.sitkIterationEvent, lambda: PlotValues(RegMethod))
    OptimizedTx = RegMethod.Execute(FixIm, MovIm)
    # Compose the transformations: 
    FinalTx = sitk.CompositeTransform(OptimizedTx)
    #FinalTx = sitk.BSplineTransform(FinalTx)

    print(f'Final metric value: {RegMethod.GetMetricValue()}')
    print("Optimizer stop condition:",
    # Resample MovIm using FinalTx to get the registered image:
    RegIm = sitk.Resample(MovIm, FixIm, FinalTx, sitk.sitkLinear, 0.0, 
    return RegIm

When I use the above method I get the following error:

Exception thrown in SimpleITK ImageRegistrationMethod_Execute: d:\a\1\sitk-build\itk-prefix\include\itk-5.1\itkImageToImageMetricv4GetValueAndDerivativeThreaderBase.hxx:268:
Exception in GetValueAndDerivativeProcessPoint:
itk::ERROR: itk::ERROR: BSplineTransform(0000027AA7FCA850): ComputeJacobianWithRespectToPosition not yet implemented for BSplineTransform

which occurs at the line:

OptimizedTx = RegMethod.Execute(FixIm, MovIm)

Searching for any info on ComputeJacobianWithRespectToPosition has not led to any clues.

Question 1 (error):

Could someone please sanity check my method / offer any clues on the error / suggestions on how to resolve it?

Question 2 (no. of control points):

It’s not clear to me whether a different numberOfControlPoints for LandmarkTx and OptimizedTx is problemmatic. Should my selection of scaleFactors bridge the numberOfControlPoints in those two transforms?

I’ve not been able to find any examples where a composed transform was used that involved bsplines.

Question 3 (the transform used in LandmarkBasedTransformInitializer):

When I encountered the error I tried using sitk.VersorRigid3DTransform() or sitk.AffineTransform(dim) instead of sitk.BSplineTransform(dim) when defining LandmarkBasedTransformInitializer.

Doing so avoided the error, the registration proceeded, the plot of metric values v iterations looked “smooth” but when I plotted RegIm it was identical to AlignedIm.

I can confirm that the composite transform had a VersorRigid3Transform or AffineTransform after the BSplineTransform.

Can anyone comment on the merits of using a global v local transform for initializing a registration using a local transform? And more importantly, any ideas as to why there were no local deformations?

Question 4 (composing transforms):

Although I didn’t need to do it in the above method, I will later need to flatten the composition, which I thought was done with:


but when I ran that with the composed transform FinalTx used for the (successful) affine registration method using fiducials I got None.

Any ideas why?