Reorienting Images

Hello, I am trying to achieve the attached process (which I had been doing using nibabel) with SimpleITK. I’m not sure how to interpret the cosine matrix, though, so I’m unclear about how to ensure L-P-S orientation:


def extract_orientation(ctx):
    ctx.affine = ctx.mos_img.affine
    ctx.orientation = nib.aff2axcodes(ctx.affine)

def reorient_mask(ctx, desired_orientation):
    ctx.orig_orientation = ctx.orientation

    # Convert the orientations to the orientation matrices
    current_ornt = nib.orientations.axcodes2ornt(ctx.orientation)
    desired_ornt = nib.orientations.axcodes2ornt(desired_orientation)
    # Get the transform from current to desired orientation
    ctx.transform_ornt = nib.orientations.ornt_transform(current_ornt, desired_ornt)
    # Apply the transform
    ctx.orig_mos_data = ctx.mos_data
    ctx.mos_data = nib.apply_orientation(ctx.mos_data, ctx.transform_ornt)

    # Update the affine matrix
    ctx.orig_affine = ctx.affine
    ctx.affine = ctx.affine @ nib.orientations.inv_ornt_aff(ctx.transform_ornt, ctx.mos_img.shape)

    # Reorient the image
    ctx.orig_img = ctx.mos_img
    ctx.mos_img = nib.Nifti1Image(ctx.mos_data, ctx.affine)

    # Update the orientation in the context object

Hello @dlevy-ph,

The class you are looking for is called DICOMOrientImageFilter, so this should work for you sitk.DICOMOrient(image, "LPS").

To clarify, with the DICOMOrientImageFilter the notation is the “To” direction for the label of axes. That is LPS means { right-to-Left, anterior-to-Posterior, inferior-to-Superior}.

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