itk.js readImageDICOMFileSeries


I am developing an application in vue-js and im having issues with the readImageDICOMFileSeries method. I’m currently not using a web-worker and it keeps returning this error. “ImageIO.worker.js:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <”. Here is the code for my component.

    <v-btn @click="click">click!</v-btn>
    <input id="fileItem" type="file">

import readImageDICOMFileSeries from "itk/readImageDICOMFileSeries";

export default {
  name: "Test",
  methods: {
click() {
  var file = document.getElementById("fileItem").files[0];
   readImageDICOMFileSeries(null, file)
    .then(function({ image, webWorker }) {
    .catch(error => {

Hi Andrew,

As a first step, try to use the itk.js UMD module.

<script src=""></script>

export default {
  name: "Test",
  methods: {
click() {
  var file = document.getElementById("fileItem").files[0];
   itk.readImageFile(null, file)
    .then(function({ image, webWorker }) {
    .catch(error => {

For an interactive example, see

Note that for a single file, use the readImageFile API.

To support both a single-file DICOM volume and a DICOM series, see this example:

Eventually, you may want to incorporate itk.js into your Webpack build. An overview and example of this is here:

You can also use the web workers with Webpack:

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Probably to late, but the problem is that the web-workers are not loaded correctly. In our case, we solved the problems as follow:

You need to place the ImageIOs and WebWorkers from here into the public forlder (in our example in /public/itk/ImageIOs and /public/itk/WebWorkers.

import itkreadImageDICOMFileSeries from "itk/readImageDICOMFileSeries";
import itkConfig from "itk/itkConfig";

// this configures ITK library to load the webworkers from 
// the corect path (relative to `/public`)
itkConfig.itkModulesPath = "/itk";

Then readImageDICOMFileSeries should work correctly

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