ITK 5.4 Release Candidate 4: ALL THE DICOMs

We are happy to announce the Insight Toolkit (ITK) 5.4 Release Candidate 4 is available for testing! :tada: ITK is an open-source, cross-platform toolkit for N-dimensional scientific image processing, segmentation, and registration.

:flashlight: Highlights

The Insight Toolkit (ITK) has further enhanced its DICOM capabilities in the latest release, building on over 25 years of extensive clinical usage and application. DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) is a valuable standard handling, storing, printing, and transmitting information in medical imaging. It includes a wide range of medical data types and allows for various imaging modalities and workflow information, posing significant challenges due to its extensive support for diverse medical content and variations in vendor implementations and adherence to the standard.

This release introduces expanded support for additional modality features and crucial spatial metadata for Secondary Capture images. ITK significantly improves the way medical imaging data is processed and interpreted and ensures robust support for diverse DICOM applications.

The impact of spatial metadata handling on the NLM Visible Human cryomacrotome anatomic secondary capture images, available in the NIH Imaging Data Commons, when visualized in 3D Slicer. Left: before ITK v5.4rc04, Right: after. Screenshots courtesy Steve Pieper.

The development of ITK’s DICOM support is a testament to a robust community-driven effort involving ITK developers, maintainers from DICOM library projects such as GDCM and DCMTK, and curators of the DICOM standard. This release includes collaborative contributions from notable community members including Mikhail Isakov, Jon Haitz Legarreta Gorroño, Sean McBride, Martin Hoßbach, Mathieu Malaterre, Michael Onken, Steve Pieper, Andras Lasso, David Clunie, and Andrey Fedorov.

This release candidate also expands on our support for elegant, performant, modern C++. For example, specializations of std::tuple_size and std::tuple_element for itk::ImageRegion in order to support C++17 structured bindings enable compile-time optimized statements to provide a multidimenional region’s index and size:

auto [index, size] = image.GetRequestedRegion();

For more information on ITK 5.4’s modern C++ support, see the Release Candidate 1 release notes.

Moreover, this release candidate extends the toolkit’s sustainability and Python support through Stable ABI Python wheels. This is made possible by upgrades to SWIG and scikit-build-core, the modern Python packaging standard evolution of scikit-build classic. Python 3.11 wheels will be recognized by pip and work with Python 3.11, 3.12, 3.13, 3.14, etc. While we also provide cross-platform wheels for Python 3.8-3.10, we can only use the Stable ABI with Python 3.11 because it is required for itk’s NumPy support.

ITK Remote Modules now also have GitHub Action-driven mac ARM / Apple Silicon Python wheel generation support. While a Remote Module file is still supported in ITK 5.4, migration to a scikit-build-core pyproject.toml file is encouraged. One important advantage is the generation of Stable ABI wheels for Python 3.11+. To migrate to scikit-build-core, use this pyproject.toml template and remove the file.

ITK 5.4 contains many additional improvements; highlights can be found below along with a more detailed changelog. For a summary of changes that continue our sustainability evolution with Web3 testing data, see the 5.4 Release Candidate 2 release notes.

:floppy_disk: Download

Python Packages

Install ITK Python packages with:

pip install --upgrade --pre itk

Guide and Textbook

Library Sources

Testing Data

Unpack optional testing data in the same directory where the Library Source is unpacked.


:sparkles: Features


  • Wrapping for itk.PhasedArray3DSpecialCoordinatesImage
  • Better support for multi-component images in image_from_vtk_image
  • itk.imread supports a series_uid kwarg for DICOM series selection
  • TBB version updated to latest stable version, disabled on Intel macOS
  • Python binaries for 3.8-3.11 across platforms
  • Python 3.11 uses the Stable ABI – works with Python 3.11+
  • Python 3.7 is no longer supported
  • Apple Silicon Remote Module GitHub Action wheels
  • Updated to the latest version of scikit-build-core
  • Import time improvements with torch


  • C++17 is now required
  • Many style improvements for modern C++ and consistency
  • GCC 13 support
  • Name mangling prefix for third party libraries is configurable
  • Update mangled 3rd-parties to use MANGLE_PREFIX CMake variable
  • Many improvements to code coverage
  • Enhanced NRRD and Nifti metadata support
  • Apply cmake-format for a consistent CMake style
  • get() member function to itk::SmartPointer
  • itk::Size::CalculateProductOfElements(), to compute number of pixels
  • Deref(T *), to ease dereferencing a pointer safely
  • itk::ShapedImageNeighborhoodRange support C-array of offsets (by C++17)
  • Add itk::Copy(const T & original), which simply returns a copy
  • Make itk::ImageRegion trivially copyable, remove inheritance (FUTURE)


  • Use index/point transforms without bounds checking
  • Improved SSE2 detection
  • Many improvements to how locks are handled
  • Major itk::SpatialObject performance improvements


  • New GitHub Action to check spelling
  • Doxygen formatting cleanup
  • Doxygen spelling fixes
  • Doxygen Insight Journal links are consistent
  • Many Doxygen improvements to the content
  • Software Guide updated for style modernization
  • Change the Insight Journal handle links to insight-journal links
  • Replace itkTypeMacro with itkOverrideGetNameOfClassMacro

Remote module updates

New modules:

Updated modules:

Third party library updates

  • dcmtk
  • eigen
  • gdcm
  • googletest
  • kwsys
  • minc
  • meta-io
  • nifti
  • pygccxml
  • vxl
  • zlib-ng

:pray: Congratulations

Congratulations and thank you to everyone who contributed to this release.

Of the 59 authors who contributed since v5.3.0, we would like to specially recognize the new contributors:

Nicklas Larsson, huangjxbq, Sankhesh Jhaveri, adrinkwater, FabioLolix, Vaibhaw, Ningfei Li, Max Aehle, Noah Egnatis, Federico Zivolo, Patrick Linnane, LAURENDEAU Matthieu, Shreeraj Jadhav, Shengpeng YU, Fernando Bordignon, Andras Lasso, Bernhard Froehler, Thomas BAUDIER, Matthieu LAURENDEAU, Fabian Wenzel, Mikhail Polkovnikov, Pritam Rungta, Florian de Gaulejac, Ramon Emiliani, Martin Hoßbach, Sadhana Ravikumar, and Gabriel Chartrand.

:speaking_head: What’s Next

This is the final release candidate before v5.4.0. An issue following the tagging of v5.4rc03 predicated the publication of this release. Please try out the current release candidate, and discuss your experiences at Contribute with pull requests, code reviews, and issue discussions in our GitHub Organization.

Enjoy ITK!

ITK Changes Since v5.4rc02

Andras Lasso (2):


  • Add GDCM test for 32 bits stored DICOM image (7e350ef7cd)

Style Changes

Bernhard Froehler (1):

Platform Fixes

  • Add missing include (gcc13.2/clang17 build) (f871250c8d)

Brad King (2):


  • Improve messages when ITKInternalEigen3 fails to configure (fd97c1034d)

Platform Fixes

  • Fix installation of ITKInternalEigen3 with space in path (278c398614)

Bradley Lowekamp (4):


  • Add support for OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS (ee84d1eb91)
  • Introduce constants for the default tolerances (4881cee2e1)

Documentation Updates

  • Clarify ThresholdImageFilter behavior (e67365a805)

Bug Fixes

  • Make JPEGImageIO const correct with m_FileName (dba496d0c3)

Dave Chen (1):


  • Github Action to Spell Check Comments (4a04d8f308)

Dženan Zukić (25):


  • Add ULL type to ConnectedComponentImageFilter wrapping (3b5f76486d)
  • Add a 3D regression test for FillholeImageFilter (3d54107d0d)
  • Update Montage remote module (46454a1b48)
  • Fix problems introduced by the latest zlib-ng update (b760b020cf)
  • Add CompositeTransform to DataObjectDecorator wrapping (5d1455035a)
  • Update KWStyle to avoid a CMake warning during its configure step (f58ccd1565)
  • Wrap DataObjectDecorator<CompositeTransform> (b6a6b6b524)
  • Allow using std::vector in itkSetMacro and friends (71c5c83e10)
  • Add IsSameImageGeometryAs convenience method to ImageBase (92f6d10219)
  • Wrap AffineTransform for float parameters (02c0181098)
  • FlatStructuringElement and ShapedNeighborhoodIterator Interop (bac09b0834)
  • Add FastBilateral remote module (c9b15e5eec)
  • Improve numerical precision of weighted centroid computation (db6114d322)
  • Update remote modules using the script (858329745b)
  • Switch MINC upstream branch from develop to master (4b0874b9d1)

Documentation Updates

  • Show that we can pass a list of images via Python wrapping (03f250ddd8)
  • Remove commented-out GetAllCounts method declaration (959ad044e0)

Platform Fixes

  • Add ULL wrapping for ScanlineFilterCommon (9f54bb8bf2)
  • Fix Warning for CMP0135 in remote modules (DownloadClangFormat) (7972041148)
  • Address clang warnings in a remote module (9e8f6a473d)
  • Update KWStyle to fix build warnings with MacOSX13.1.sdk (ef6faa3ccc)
  • Fix compile error in MSVC permissive mode (634cbdc20e)
  • Wrap IdentityTransform for float (dd11c3a595)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix computation of weighted centroid in LabelGeometryImageFilter (daec066b7a)

Style Changes

  • Fix code indentation in pyBase.i to aid understanding (1273d52141)

Eigen Upstream (1):

Miscellaneous Changes

Fabian Wenzel (4):

Documentation Updates

  • Fixed git hook commit error message if clang-format is not found (9076f05bda)

Platform Fixes

  • Skip Python-Wrapping of ITKVtkGlue (0b1fafe35f)
  • LBFGSOptimizerBasev4 explicit instantiation for wrapping shared libs (607493ec1a)
  • Fix MultiThreaderSingle typos (a5d9526829)

Florian de Gaulejac (2):

Platform Fixes

  • Fix compilation of FEM module with VS2019 (95a0d0e289)
  • Fix compilation with VS2019 -std:c++20 (without BUILD_TESTING) (1deea1ef93)

GDCM Upstream (4):

Miscellaneous Changes

Google double-conversion Maintainers (1):

Miscellaneous Changes

  • DoubleConversion 2023-11-01 (15b7e306) (3dcbf20f73)

Hans Johnson (14):

Style Changes


  • Wrap new variant of itkLBFGS2Optimizerv4 (44c06f67ab)

Documentation Updates

  • The example is a TranslationTransform (604fb3b10f)
  • Refine ExhausiveOptimizer documentation (f7c54f853a)
  • Add more explicit documentation for transform parameters (ee160a9657)

Platform Fixes

  • Numerical computation precision limit in resampling (877acbac08)
  • Add test for correct value of GetNameOfClass() (e126823ace)
  • Simplify static array length checking (eb7d3423c3)
  • Use the c++ 17 common [[fallthrough]] attribute (9243a075cd)

Bug Fixes

  • SetIdentity must retain FixedParameters (db9cfea74b)
  • Fix removal of ‘-’ from patientId (085446af77)

Style Changes

  • Localize variables and use const (d17f47d486)
  • Fix grammar in documentation for MattesMutualInformation (de3974ca93)
  • Use gender-neutral language for example documentation (a895d7f597)

Jon Haitz Legarreta Gorroño (67):


  • Add RTTI to itk::FEMScatteredDataPointSetToImageFilter (6409bce13a)
  • Increase coverage for ìtk::BSplineTransformInitializer (e6e759b46e)
  • Increase itk::ParallelSparseFieldLevelSetImageFilter coverage (87c5a9ae5f)
  • Increase itk::SingleValuedNonLinearVnlOptimizer coverage (adb447f078)
  • Increase coverage for itk::ObjectToObjectOptimizerBaseTemplate (3324ef04a6)
  • Increase coverage for itk::TransformGeometryImageFilter (cd6c940975)
  • Increase itk::DiscreteGaussianCurvatureQuadEdgeMeshFilter coverage (19726285ac)
  • Increase coverage for itk::FancyString (8a802d7091)
  • Increase the itk::SingleValuedNonLinearVnlOptimizerv4 coverage (215209f4f1)
  • Increase itk::ShapeOpeningLabelMapFilter coverage (f74435d109)
  • Add test for itk::XMLFilterWatcher (3c37fe34aa)
  • Add test for itk::MeshRegion (fd076e4db2)
  • Add boolean macro to TransformFileWriterTemplate::m_AppendMode (4b400752f9)
  • Fix workflow actions warnings linked to Node.js (95b8a6fa07)
  • Fix macOS ARM workflow actions warnings linked to Node.js (65306d5f62)

Documentation Updates

  • Remove itk prefix to class names in Doxygen class command (2dd28a46a6)
  • Fix QuadEdgeMeshScalarDataVTKPolyDataWriter Doxygen class name (f0019cb8f9)
  • Add missing closing bracket in contributing enforcement insert (b63df69488)
  • Fix diversity statement link in code of conduct (d99753f4e0)
  • Add link to documentation in README (5ed8c4bb00)
  • Improve itk::GIPLImageIO brief explanation (7b1f4ba8a1)
  • Fix the itk::MeshRegion::SetRegion method doc description (cf8c8c2c68)
  • Add ITK scientific ecosystem section to documentation (f5e17ca53f)
  • Transfer the wiki FAQ page to Markdown documentation (7ced4cc337)
  • Fix grammar in the ITK ecosystem documentation page (8a4ab318ef)
  • Fix ITK class Doxygen documentation link Markdown syntax in FAQs (e71aa71799)
  • Remove deprecated combined ITK/VTK use doc section in FAQs (2167ca59ee)
  • Transfer the wiki FDA SW guidelines page to Markdown documentation (63045e7c1d)
  • Honor ITK-Wasm’s case in documentation files (6459a622c7)
  • Fix FAQ documentation heading typo (ba49d436ec)
  • Remove mention to deprecated itk::DICOMImageIO class in FAQs (6e42f13e87)
  • Remove mentions to deprecated ITKApps from FAQs (4deead1f08)
  • Transfer the wiki HU page to Markdown documentation (b4c1154686)
  • Transfer the wiki documenting ITK page to Markdown documentation (5c730b1196)
  • Remove non-existing file from documentation TOC (7d8b95d705)
  • Transfer the wiki DICOM page to Markdown documentation (676f80cc9b)
  • Transfer the wiki 3rd party apps page to Markdown documentation (e186d876b3)
  • Redirect to current location in docs transferred wiki links (4543ba6dce)
  • Rename the FDA SW development guidelines doc file (bc135604b8)
  • Fix reStructuredText link syntax in Documenting ITK doc file (64fff24627)
  • Fix itk::FEMSpatialObjectWriter Doxygen brief description (3b0a786c03)
  • Fix grammar in binary data upload documentation file (c1687e991a)

Platform Fixes

  • Fix name of class assertion failure in FEM module (2999b59ebb)
  • Remove unused FEM module test input arguments (00e059ed52)
  • Fix test method signature in FEM module (26f7fbb200)
  • Remove unnecessary itkFEMSpatialObjectWriter.h includes (e306437e56)
  • Fix macro spelling in itkOpenCVImageBridgeRGBTest.cxx (299ce20329)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix CachedCurrentPosition ivar initialization numeric traits arg (50b905a8ae)

Style Changes

  • Increase itk::ListSample::PrintSelf consistency (fe184c8d9a)
  • Conform to ITK style guidelines in test ending message (1f80e3554e)
  • Improve PSFLSIF test style (45583cf29b)
  • Prefer using testing macros in miscellaneous tests (043b0680cb)
  • Use medial capitals to name variables in test (2cc791c2ef)
  • Rename test to honor the tested class (28ef2f160b)
  • Use testing macros in itkFancyStringTest.cxx (2b8ce7799b)
  • Use the superclass name in itkTypeMacro (fb8a573ef7)
  • Remove unnecessary whitespaces in Release doc code blocks (15fc83174a)
  • Fix verbatim code syntax in Python quick start documentation (906e69d6fa)
  • Use inline verbatim code style for Python supported pixel types (2f13f82f6f)
  • Increase consistency in doc code block highlight language names (cd22deff6b)
  • Remove prompt and spaces in Markdown documentation bash blocks (a6036a8b6f)
  • Increase consistency in doc bash code block highlight name (4d316b9380)
  • Prefer regular font in Documenting ITK doc file link text (caab8d2384)
  • Remove commented statements with hard-coded filenames in FEM (842c32cd39)
  • Start reader/writer FEM module local variables with lowercase (d3cc8743d5)
  • Check properly FEM module test input arguments (60067a656d)
  • Use ITK_TEST_EXPECT_EQUAL to compare class names in QEMesh (781cf0d33c)

KWSys Upstream (1):

Miscellaneous Changes

LIBPNG Upstream (1):

Miscellaneous Changes

Martin Hoßbach (1):

Bug Fixes

  • itkDCMTKFileReader Philips multi-frame MRI Z spacing (dbd46b48bf)

Matt McCormick (83):


  • Remove script (80af986eca)
  • Transition SourceTarball.bash script for .cid (561383ed4a)
  • Update remote modules to their latest version (521c2215a2)
  • Wrap CompositeTransform for float32 parameters (7a6053fc72)
  • Test to verify GDCM multi-frame MRI Z spacing (106cd680d8)
  • Add DICOM preamble, no_preamble tests (8427bbec0b)
  • Test CanReadFile for DICOM files with a preamble (a099f08c20)
  • Bump DCMTK to 2024-03-11 master (db9c048921)
  • Enable DCMTK_ENABLE_BUILTIN_OFICONV_DATA by default (1ed8ead451)
  • Enable SecondaryCaptureImagePlaneModel in GDCM (f545dd8f5b)
  • Add test for reading DICOM secondary capture spatial metadata (8eb077a113)
  • Bump SWIG to 2024-03-26-master (d6c69f5eb7)
  • Add macOS ARM SWIG binary (2df824bdbf)
  • Add macOS AMD64 SWIG binary (b507643bf0)
  • Add Linux aarch64 SWIG binary (82d8165eba)
  • Add Python Limited API support (0c5e523c14)
  • Update pygccxml-upstream branch version (a7e6b3ce32)
  • Add macOS ARM GitHub Actions configuration (99d13a4677)
  • Add macOS ARM Python CI (60756c28f0)
  • Add more tests for DICOM Secondary Capture Spacing (a2447ab7c1)

Documentation Updates

  • Update Download page for release artifacts (b4826a46b1)
  • Update Download link in README (fa38cbec52)
  • Sphinx documentation subtitle: ITK’s documentation (530da05774)
  • Add Download page links to the release notes (cd5dfade84)
  • Improve documentation contribution documents (83a94bbda4)
  • Link to rendered docs for, (af1fa27aeb)
  • Migrate the migration guide to Sphinx (094213f076)
  • Migrate the NOTICE file to markdown (9c91750e61)
  • Add CDash link (8f1542fcd3)
  • Integrate supported compiler docs into sphinx (357bee25ff)
  • Add Releases and Licenses to Download section (feafcdbf9c)
  • Add documentation contribution docs to the docs (6a751db842)
  • Add note about RTD default rendered documentation version (b658820c22)
  • Add Release process documentation notes on release branches (655889e22c)
  • Move CDash link to Contributing section (658d949d36)
  • Add Dashboard documentation to contributing docs (7d27bd1458)
  • Move Git branches description into main docs (db4b1d224e)
  • Add GNU Guix package installation instruction (1f1882f77a)
  • Release manager data archiving process for 5.4 (2387097235)
  • Add missing sphinx-autobuild link (70bcd968ce)
  • Add Python Quick Start guide (6c210cb92d)
  • Update and clarify binary data upload process (4564b6f973)
  • Update ITK Python package quick start link (094e888ba0)
  • Upload Binary Data grammar improvements (751e9ca699)
  • Add 5.4 RC 02 Release Notes (9ed6cad74a)
  • More background for supported compilers (c46aaf30dc)
  • Update link to contributing documentation (60a34147b3)
  • Add macOS ARM CI badge to README (130d4f0990)

Platform Fixes

  • Remove diversity-statement cross-reference (229be245ec)
  • yaml language annotation on (c55b289587)
  • Add itkSLICImageFilterTest1 baseline for macOS ARM (aa93b4ac18)
  • Use signed char for SobelOperator convolution test (32535078a3)
  • Only support SWIG slice workaround for Python >= 3.2 (fad5849468)
  • Remove use of itkDebugMacro in static method (843dba1678)
  • Remove distutils imports (423d6494e3)
  • include stdlib.h for SWIG free/malloc with the Stable ABI (7e4c0c54b8)
  • Python Stable ABI support configuration improvements (8da6c2e338)
  • Bump Validated CMake policies version to 3.29.0 (6e88ab6fd9)
  • Bump zlib-ng CMake max policy to 3.29.0 (cdd8be3b91)
  • Apple Clang 15 duplicate libraries (7231bf793f)
  • ResampleImageFilter9 baseline for ARM macOS (75e08fcf43)
  • Bump KWStyle to silence boost predefined-identifier warning (566f9f531a)
  • Wrap 1D FFT classes before their Vnl implementations (03643a3941)
  • Specify second template parameter for 1D FFT wrapping (44f3dc9971)
  • Use both template parameters for ShapeLabelMapFilter wrapping (b61d4ed7f1)
  • Specify all template parameters for NarrowBandLevelSetImageFilter (ee33f5ae1b)
  • Bump CastXML to 0.6.5, LLVM to 18.1.3 (44a6beec77)

Bug Fixes

  • Support serialization of an empty itk.Image (0a08d16c2b)
  • Add pickle support for itk.Matrix and itk.ImageRegion (4dec7917da)
  • Wrap LBFGSOptimizerBaseHelperv4 before LBFGSOptimizerBasev4 (119e8da7b1)
  • Fix protocol identification in script (b4c65b32e8)
  • Mark CMake variables as advanced (3bd88cedd2)
  • Increase size limite for GDCM privatedicts.xml file (11630a0436)
  • Remove (62cf190608)
  • CMake find_package for Python requires 3.8 or newer (fd266a93a6)
  • Check for Secondary Capture spacing following DICOM Part 3 Sect A.8.1.3 (c23d6c730f)
  • CastXML update Linux AArch64 binary (270f726ba9)
  • Fix Py_LIMITED_API minor version spec (8b4778732f)

Style Changes

  • Remote modules keep key-value on the same line (7d94ec1790)
  • Run ./Utilities/Maintenance/cmake-format.bash --tracked (0a36430ea7)
  • Replace ${git_protocol} with https (8b22004029)
  • Simplify SWIG CMake variables (c12eaef63c)
  • Use transformType in transform dict representation (015c7546d6)

Matthew McCormick (2):

Documentation Updates

  • Release version consistency (b15e272796)
  • Clarify latest vs release version in generated docs (96f2299f22)

MetaIO Maintainers (2):

Miscellaneous Changes

Mihail Isakov (6):


  • Fixed coverity warnings in itkImageRegion.h (9d2364ffb5)

Performance Improvements

  • Fixed COPY_INSTEAD_OF_MOVE in MultiThreaderBase (f486c3c2f7)

Documentation Updates

Style Changes

  • Update comments and parameter in the ImportImageContainer (3ad51b4ac2)
  • remove duplicated itkMath.h headers (3cafe87c58)
  • remove unnecessary itkImageFileWriter.h header (8010fafde3)

NIFTI Upstream (3):

Miscellaneous Changes

Niels Dekker (149):


  • Add get() member function to itk::SmartPointer (f74950f493)
  • ShapedImageNeighborhoodRange support C-array of offsets (by C++17) (77e147bfa9)
  • Add Deref(T *), to ease dereferencing a pointer safely (042d42327b)
  • Add Crop unit tests to itkImageRegionGTest (25afa49d45)
  • Add itkImageRandomConstIteratorWithIndexGTest unit test (b48c999aab)
  • Add itkVirtualGetNameOfClassMacro + itkOverrideGetNameOfClassMacro (94e7339da4)
  • Add Size::CalculateProductOfElements(), to compute number of pixels (c4ef860638)
  • ImageRegion support C++17 structured binding (72aa9a602b)
  • Add class template argument deduction (CTAD) support to ImageRegion (8de195f404)
  • Check thisClass argument of GetNameOfClass macro calls (d45127b5a3)
  • Add itk::Copy(const T & original), which simply returns a copy (b2dacece7a)
  • Add error message to static_assert in GetNameOfClass() macro (16101c6eaa)
  • Add MultiThreaderBase::SetSingleMethodAndExecute member function (972b5779a5)
  • Let ImageSpatialObject update the image regions of its base class (5e528ec174)
  • Add ValueInitializedIsZeroFilled tests for derived FixedArray types (aa38dce1a5)
  • Add AllocateInitialized() to ImageBase (47fe345cd8)
  • Let x::New() initialize the created object by doing new x() (1986b54f89)
  • Add Array2D(numberOfRows, numberOfCols, initialValue) constructor (ec5223eb89)
  • Add GoogleTest unit tests for GradientImageFilter (17a221c0c1)
  • Add protected helper function, Transform::InvertTransform (5328c0242b)

Performance Improvements

  • Make ImageRegion trivially copyable, remove inheritance (FUTURE) (1f3bbb6586)
  • Replace std::function w/ template argument ParallelizeImageRegion (40f04a892c)
  • Let SetSingleMethod move its first argument (f) (06629c249b)
  • Let Singleton move its deleteFunc argument (5276de74c8)
  • Let SpatialObject directly access m_ObjectToWorldTransformInverse (1e0475cc6b)
  • Add SpatialObject IsInsideInWorldSpace(const PointType &) overload (2ca2351340)
  • Make m_ObjectToWorldTransformInverse->TransformPoint non-virtual (4ae04b35fa)
  • ImageMaskSpatialObject use image regions from its base class (671d758ac3)
  • FUTURE: Default default-constructors of RGBPixel and RGBAPixel (755cd10e54)
  • FUTURE: Default default-constructor of SymmetricSecondRankTensor (0a30e7fc20)

Documentation Updates

  • Replace the word “overwrite” with “override” in SpatialObject doc (f87fd913a7)
  • Avoid the term “pure virtual function” in SpatialObject doc (c9c7236457)
  • Replace examples of SpatialObject functions that one may override (21e795bbf4)
  • Add GetNameOfClass macro’s to DOXYGEN_PREDEFINED (77f5c6d6f5)
  • Remove obsolete information about Array2D (091a270b4b)
  • Document constructors and assignment operators of Array2D (88e4f10628)
  • Update documentation of GetNameOfClass macro calls (4d750726d0)

Platform Fixes

  • Use conjunction_v to check argument types of MakePoint, MakeVector (da418c11c5)
  • Exclude Utilities/Debugger files from Azure Pipelines CI (00badaeafb)
  • Fix XML namespace of Natvis file (Visual Studio Debug Visualizers) (dccdf4b00a)
  • Examples: Replace itkTypeMacro with itkOverrideGetNameOfClassMacro (e76c37287f)
  • PyUtils: Replace itkTypeMacro with itkOverrideGetNameOfClassMacro (c1af2b7b16)
  • Locally ignore Clang -Wmismatched-tags warnings in ImageRegion (9a35c2fdcd)

Bug Fixes

  • Remove numeric_limits<IndexValueType>::max from ImageRegion GTest (8e5d3f8788)
  • Fix name BinaryImageToLevelSetImageAdaptor::GetNameOfClass() (038c7391e0)
  • Fix name returned by GetNameOfClass() in Optimizer tests (4ee0617b5e)
  • Replace Math::Round template argument double with int64_t (705f84f0fc)

Style Changes

  • Use volatile to avoid global SingletonIndex being optimized out (a661e0e74b)
  • Fix XML namespace of natstepfilter file (Visual Studio Debugger) (7f3f616137)
  • ResetNextSeed GTest should not use instance for GetNextSeed call (fed6ed0f2a)
  • Replace Unused calls with C++17 [[maybe_unused]] attribute (a28242a155)
  • Deprecate (ITK_FUTURE_LEGACY_REMOVE) Unused(const T &) (2803ebbb05)
  • Replace ASSERT_NE calls with Deref in VTKPolyDataMeshIO GTest (85e29d0ad6)
  • ImageRegion replace GetIndex(), GetSize() calls with data access (1b576481a7)
  • Remove local cropPossible variable from ImageRegion::Crop (fc17f0bacb)
  • Reduce scope of local for-loop index i in ImageRegion::Crop (6d86d1fb61)
  • Remove local crop variable from ImageRegion::Crop (8439a2e4a7)
  • Remove unreachable break statements after return statements (9fab1bcd9d)
  • Replace std::min, std::max calls in “Colormap” with std::clamp (83613f78de)
  • Replace std::min, std::max in ProgressTransformer with std::clamp (118581ebc2)
  • Replace std::min, std::max in SliceImageFilter with std::clamp (007d93f8ec)
  • Use std::clamp in GetGlobalDefaultNumberOfThreads() (2ee5c8e60a)
  • MersenneTwisterGlobals replace std::recursive_mutex w/ std::mutex (dad0d82149)
  • Rename MersenneTwisterGlobals data member from “Lock” to “Mutex” (476d9e7aee)
  • Remove unused local ImageRegion variables (1a2e2b3c0e)
  • Remove pre-C++17 definitions of static constexpr data members (8061d3ce15)
  • ITK_FUTURE_LEGACY_REMOVE, deprecate TemplatedThreadingFunctorType (eef26b53fa)
  • Use “constexpr if” in ParallelizeImageRegionRestrictDirection (dd930155a1)
  • Remove continue from ParallelizeImageRegionRestrictDirection (620b592353)
  • Remove splitRegion from ParallelizeImageRegionRestrictDirection (e04d4c2b80)
  • Replace default capture ParallelizeImageRegionRestrictDirection (f9d21aed07)
  • Replace itkTypeMacroNoParent with itkVirtualGetNameOfClassMacro (fa1f39a2b6)
  • Replace itkTypeMacro calls with itkOverrideGetNameOfClassMacro (2c264ea2ef)
  • ITK_FUTURE_LEGACY_REMOVE itkTypeMacro and itkTypeMacroNoParent (36e9549880)
  • ImageRegion GetNumberOfPixels() call CalculateProductOfElements() (12f87f4924)
  • Let Neighborhood SetRadius call Size CalculateProductOfElements() (af1182a98a)
  • Remove std:: prefix from uint8_t in MathematicalMorphologyEnums (ed4b29d271)
  • Replace #include <cstdint> with #include "itkIntTypes.h" (c8ec91c826)
  • Add itkInternalGetNameOfClassImplementationMacro macro (2cc371a93f)
  • Use std::next in LabelMap::GetNthLabelObject (f844df9f0e)
  • Default LabelMap default-constructor (c3639c232e)
  • Follow C++ Rule of Zero for LabelMap iterator classes (630b6f4472)
  • Do not ignore return value of the initial GetInverseMatrix() call (cfadfee253)
  • MatrixOffsetTransformBase take GetInverseMatrix() out of loops (f8075a7e12)
  • Remove itkSetObjectMacro if itkSetConstObjectMacro is also there (813ddb3d52)
  • Remove public defaulted default-constructor/destructor pairs (a8f034dbf9)
  • Replace old if by “constexpr if” in itk::Math implementation (444acec2c4)
  • Replace tuple with private GlobalObject struct, in SingletonIndex (902d1f27d8)
  • Use range-based for loop to iterate over children SpatialObject (8bfeb9fb02)
  • Add constto pnt (PointType) variables in SpatialObject (f3e9b6dd0a)
  • Add const to pos (iterator) variables in SpatialObject (bbeb397624)
  • Use “constexpr if” in ClampCast, before calling Math::Round (6b984893fd)
  • FUTURE_LEGACY_REMOVE virtual SpatialObject InWorldSpace functions (aa65f4b083)
  • Replace SetSingleMethod, Execute with SetSingleMethodAndExecute (436423d798)
  • Replace magic number SpatialObject MaximumDepth = 9999999 (ae081637f8)
  • Let itkFactorylessNewMacro(x) just call itkCreateAnotherMacro(x) (fc880d4ab1)
  • Let itkFactorylessNewMacro directly initialize its smartPtr (f70b1b1598)
  • Let x::CreateAnother() just return x::New().GetPointer() (848b5a4c76)
  • Let SpatialObject directly access its m_ObjectToWorldTransform (fa52dba3b6)
  • SpatialObject use std::transform to fill transformedCorners (c516690253)
  • Replace MakeFilled(NumericTraits::ZeroValue()) w/ Self{} (2013902c3d)
  • Remove last argument (zero) from calls by FreeSurferAsciiMeshIO (030d626a41)
  • Replace NumericTraits<unsigned int>::ZeroValue() with 0U (5d746cc0bc)
  • Replace NumericTraits<T>::ZeroValue() with T{} (13ccff6af8)
  • Replace expectZeroFilled lambda’s with ExpectEachElementIsZero (b4f90bbd16)
  • Replace itk::NumericTraits<unsigned int>::OneValue() with 1 (63b0c85990)
  • Remove duplicate #include directives (ef28b0f9f5)
  • Replace if (x > f()) x = f() with x = std::min(x, f()) (1b9fc82957)
  • Replace if (x < f()) x = f() with x = std::max(x, f()) (b554b994e0)
  • Move GetStartIndex() and GetEndIndex() calls out of for loops (ba1b2bd649)
  • Use std::clamp in NearestNeighborExtrapolateImageFunction (032c7798f0)
  • Use std::clamp in itkZeroFluxNeumannPadImageFilterTest (32c470a0ac)
  • Replace if (x > a[i]) x = a[i] with x = std::min(x, a[i]) (93bef51dd1)
  • Replace if (x < a[i]) x = a[i] with x = std::max(x, a[i]) (22d6bab560)
  • Replace Allocate(true) calls with AllocateInitialized() (527843e9fc)
  • Remove temporary vnl_vector_ref from const GetVnlVector overloads (3c1da644f2)
  • Replace PushBackInput, PushFrontInput with using-declarations (613c8f405e)
  • Let Point, RGBPixel, RGBAPixel operator== just call the BaseArray (28f84ab956)
  • Remove as_ref() when calling is_equal on direction matrices (69626afd8b)
  • Replace Allocate(); FillBuffer(0) with AllocateInitialized() (cd49925a4e)
  • Combine assignments to basei[i] in LinearInterpolateImageFunction (b914646bbc)
  • Remove & from LinearInterpolateImageFunction distance variables (876da25c17)
  • Remove (superseded by DoxygenConfig.cmake) (0c5c63890b)
  • Remove outdated VERBOSE_DEBUGGING/RGEDEBUG support from “IO/GE” (c9f43677eb)
  • Remove == true from Boolean expressions (e7a60b6ca7)
  • Simplify resetting ScheduleType objects (110c25b3fc)
  • Use true as default member initializer for m_UseImageSpacing (ddea89f786)
  • Use true as default member initializer for m_UseImageDirection (16456e1a08)
  • FUTURE_LEGACY_REMOVE ImageToImageMetric::m_InterpolatorIsBSpline (8515928863)
  • FUTURE_LEGACY_REMOVE ImageToImageMetric::m_TransformIsBSpline (2ff04804e4)
  • Move GetSpacing() calls out of for loops (c0ebd8e581)
  • Use std::unique_ptr for GradientImageFilter::m_BoundaryCondition (db095cd630)
  • Declare local radius, center variables in Filtering constexpr (4535548a85)
  • Replace “the the” with “the” in comments (b4f0bb8a67)
  • No longer set hooks-max-size for nifti2_io.c, (88bfbfdc43)
  • Let GetInverseTransform() just call Transform::InvertTransform (fb4b463b38)
  • Replace BoundaryConditionPointerType w/ BoundaryConditionType * (839955e939)
  • Remove unused Superclass::BoundaryConditionPointerType (bb00c86f38)
  • FUTURE_LEGACY_REMOVE BoundaryConditionPointerType type aliases (226802f320)
  • Use (const) unique_ptr for SparseFieldLayer::m_HeadNode (821024ae10)
  • Allocate local GaussianOperator objects (oper) on the stack (798675aafc)
  • Use unique_ptr for MRIBiasEnergyFunction m_InternalEnergyFunction (b7f0f1f8a3)
  • Remove this-> when HDF5ImageIO accesses its own data (ff17551212)
  • Use unique_ptr for data members of HDF5ImageIO (b3be83ab91)
  • Do not declare CumulativeGaussianCostFunction data as pointer (ed4cd5f303)
  • Put local matrix variables in FEM on the stack, remove new/delete (2e1cfba4ec)
  • Use (const) unique_ptr for GiplImageIO::m_Internal (5969bc07c9)
  • Remove this-> when MINCImageIO accesses its own m_MINCPImpl (67aadb18b3)
  • Use (const) unique_ptr for MINCImageIO::m_MINCPImpl (dc65864f45)

Pablo Hernandez-Cerdan (3):


  • Update external eigen to upstream master (cced7fdd66)

Style Changes

Sean McBride (3):


  • added .codespellrc config file from GDCM (8cf3707464)
  • Replaced a few remaining sprintf (comments only) (267876bc5b)

Platform Fixes

Simon Rit (1):

Platform Fixes

  • Fix CMake configuration for cmake versions without CMP0135 (8d1fac474a)

Stephen R. Aylward (1):


  • Extend NearestNeighborInterpolateImageFunc wrapping for RGB (bac8adfe89)

Steve Pieper (1):

Bug Fixes

  • DCMTK reader wrongly rejects file with preamble (b04aed28b8)

Thomas BAUDIER (1):

Performance Improvements

  • Do not import torch to reduce itk import time (963a6f426b)

Tom Birdsong (4):

Documentation Updates

  • Clarify requirements installation for docs autobuild (ddc1d2d019)
  • Add external module continuous integration discussion (b05ba5ece2)
  • Migrate and update docs for building ITK Python wheels (249e2d9238)

Bug Fixes

  • Remove yml tag from ITK module workflow documentation (70a17d7b64)

VXL Maintainers (1):

Miscellaneous Changes

Vladimir S. FONOV (2):

Miscellaneous Changes

Ziv Yaniv (2):

Documentation Updates

  • Adding pointer to SimpleITK in the ecosystem. (4d322d8cf1)

Bug Fixes

  • Missing modality tag when reading meta-image format. (ac3870efec)

Zlib-ng Upstream (2):

Miscellaneous Changes

pygccxml Upstream (1):


ITK Sphinx Examples Changes Since v5.4rc02

Matt McCormick (4):


  • Bump ITK to 5.4 Release Candidate 2 (e404022a)
  • Add PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESION to ConvertImageWithLabelsToShapeLabelMap (84fb315d)
  • Bump ITK to 5.4 Release Candidate 3 (7b882462)

Bug Fixes

  • Disable ConvertImageWithLabelsToShapeLabelMapTest on Windows (db481ba1)

ITK Software Guide Changes Since v5.4rc02

Matt McCormick (5):


  • Bump ITK Superbuild version to 5.4 RC 2 (3b541a4)
  • Bump ITK Superbuild version to 5.4 RC 3 (cce6623)
  • Bump ITK Superbuild version to 5.4 RC 4 (f37b396)
  • Improve Actions PDF artifact name (dd86548)

Platform Fixes

Niels Dekker (1):

Documentation Updates

  • Replace itkTypeMacro with itkOverrideGetNameOfClassMacro (5428594)

Remote Module Changes Since v5.4rc02


dependabot[bot] (1):

Platform Fixes

  • Bump actions/checkout from 3.5.2 to 3.5.3 (a600444)


LAURENDEAU Matthieu (1):

Bug Fixes

  • Remove CudaContextManager class and use cudaSetDevice (09a9645)

Simon Rit (9):


  • Upgrade CI to ITK v5.4rc01 (4b362ac)
  • Upgrade CUDA packaging CI to ITK v5.4rc2 (daf8676)

Documentation Updates

  • Convert README to markdown (bd8871e)

Platform Fixes

  • Fix new file name for README in itk-module.cmake (c79cfc5)
  • Add missing Python wrapping of ImageToImageFilter for CudaImage (9d3fe9b)

Bug Fixes

  • Use older manylinux image with GCC 11 for Cuda 11.6 (24266b1)
  • Use newer CI packaging to exclude libraries (0c20c4e)

Style Changes

  • Replace itkTypeMacro calls with itkOverrideGetNameOfClassMacro (dcc3401)

Miscellaneous Changes

  • Release of ITKCudaCommon v1.0.1 (7073f37)


Tom Birdsong (1):



Jon Haitz Legarreta Gorroño (1):

Platform Fixes

  • Comment unused variable (857bb0b)

Tom Birdsong (3):


  • Bump to v0.2.0 for ITK v5.3.0 (0795886)
  • Move to GitHub Actions ITK reusable workflow (74e3561)
  • Bump to v0.2.1 for ITK v5.4rc2 (1b2d1a2)


Dženan Zukić (1):


  • Bump minimum CMake version to 3.16.3 (692f6b7)


Matt McCormick (20):


  • App initial import import from @itk-wasm/compress-stringify test (a288ef2)
  • App logo (240f671)
  • App title (191a2e4)
  • App output format options (811ea48)
  • App check for input volume (4638272)
  • Download app sample data during build (d0e19cd)
  • App conversion load sample inputs (d4ed17e)
  • Display output image metadata (55da53c)
  • App download output (d1d98b8)
  • Bump itk-wasm to 1.0.0-b.132 (1ebb742)
  • App UI tweaks (8daa8d5)

Performance Improvements

  • Update to @itk-wasm/image-io (76c2414)

Documentation Updates

  • Add link to ORMIR (c5eae32)
  • Update app GitHub link to the repository (6f26bd5)
  • Add tooltip on load sample input overwrite (69cfd64)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix imports of utilities in build output (fc0ff9a)
  • Remove old controller files (e72b860)
  • Use network resource for sample data with production builds (186bc96)
  • Fix sample data URL (de2669d)

Style Changes

dependabot[bot] (2):

Miscellaneous Changes

  • Bump vite from 4.3.3 to 4.3.9 in /app (7eafb95)
  • Bump postcss from 8.4.27 to 8.4.31 in /app (aaaee97)


Matt McCormick (1):


  • Update CI for reusable workflow, ITK 5.3.0 (c926404)

Sadhana Ravikumar (1):

Miscellaneous Changes


Jon Haitz Legarreta Gorroño (2):


  • Add target to package build, test status badge (e3226d9)

Bug Fixes

  • Use the literal superclass name in itkTypeMacro (5bb20b7)

Matt McCormick (1):


  • Update CI to the remote module GitHub Action (aec9dc7)


Matt McCormick (18):


  • Bump ITK version to 5.4 rc 1 (5249698)
  • Add wasm binding generation configuration (e03f4f6)
  • Add node mesh-to-poly-data-test (32ddf7d)
  • Add (366d632)
  • Add (8e22066)
  • Add tests for itkwasm-mesh-to-poly-data python package (cda516f)
  • Add pyproject.toml configurations (0c96442)
  • Test typescript bindings in CI (bc03309)
  • Add Wasm Python package CI testing (e860aad)
  • Update package.json configuration to use itk-wasm pnpm-script (5d88356)
  • Update Wasm CI configuration (2bc68c1)
  • Build, deploy wasm documentation to GitHub Pages (bdbb6f9)

Documentation Updates

  • Correct base url to ITKMeshToPolyData (2820496)
  • Add WebAssembly and Documentation CI badges (291a2c0)

Bug Fixes

  • Update itkwasm-mesh-to-poly-data hatch test config (2211d9e)
  • Download pyodide before running tests (912bc71)
  • Free up disk space for wasm CI runs (5a156e4)

Miscellaneous Changes

  • chore: bump package version to 1.0.0 (0dc2522)


Dženan Zukić (2):


Platform Fixes

  • Fix HyperSphereImageSource class name in type macro (was Image) (0825e46)


Matt McCormick (4):


Documentation Updates

  • Update javascript API and add app, docs links (c343d90)
  • Convert README to markdown, add wasm links (115755f)

Style Changes

  • Apply clang-format to morphological-contour-interpolation.cxx (97645a6)


Matt McCormick (2):

Platform Fixes

  • Uninitialized in GetNumberOfComponentsPerPixel (5ce8cd1)
  • Add compiler deduction guides RLEImage ImageScanlineConstIterator (85559c9)

Stephen R. Aylward (1):



Antoine Robert (4):


  • Add superior and inferior clip images for Joseph-based forward projector (2a560d36)
  • Add new inputs for the iterative reconstruction filters (2ab79c12)
  • Step size accessors for Cuda ray tracing in iterative recon (0a84555d)
  • add flag in rtkosem application to store the normalization images (efdc4e14)

Mikhail Polkovnikov (1):


  • MIP image filter for DRR image calculation (081e0178)

Simon Rit (24):


  • Add Cuda wrapping of Parker, scatter glare and ramp filters (777b75a3)
  • Add Python command line tool for conjugate gradient (07bcb369)
  • Made weights of weighted least squares optional in conjugate gradient (f17a8ad2)
  • Add local weights map for conjugate gradient regularization (8994dfe3)
  • Allow compilation of CPU TV filter with RTK_USE_CUDA ON (91fd0561)
  • Python wrapping of FourDROOSTERConeBeamReconstructionFilter (17eab6d8)

Performance Improvements

  • Use std::move inside itkSetMacro, declare parameter non-const (d78d7778)

Documentation Updates

  • Clarify the applicability of projector options (2f0e76a6)

Platform Fixes

  • Fix Windows compilations in non-CUDA CI (ef740ffe)
  • Move call to wrap_itk_python_bindings_install for in ITK config (6109465c)
  • Fix unknown class names in itkOverrideGetNameOfClassMacro (95234d6a)
  • Remove inclusion of .hxx files as headers (4badeef8)
  • Remove unitialized variable warning (cd42bf3d)
  • Fix Python module compilation with default options (0cc66399)
  • Fix Python redefinition warnings with default options (c32c1e98)
  • Upgrade GitHub actions for building wheels against ITK v5.4rc02 (52c5d9ff)
  • Fix locally defined but not used warning (0f7f84b7)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix Python wrappings warnings (13aa42c4)
  • Remove unused config option in (80f36682)
  • Fix above array bounds access of image size in rtkamsterdamshroud (6ddf14bf)

Style Changes

  • Rename template parameters according to ITK style (deb0f0c8)
  • Replace itkTypeMacro calls with itkOverrideGetNameOfClassMacro (eb90fb42)
  • Replace additional itkTypeMacro calls with itkOverrideGetNameOfClassMacro (65f0b66f)

Miscellaneous Changes


Matt McCormick (1):


  • Bump build for ITK 5.4 RC 1 (7cd30ea)


Dženan Zukić (2):


  • Bump minimum CMake version to 3.16.3 (4fff22b)
  • Use https for submitting dashboard builds (3cd298d)


Bryn Lloyd (1):


  • bump itk version, use ITK github actions (0bd90b9)


Matt McCormick (2):


  • Bump itk-wasm for builds to 1.0.0-b.130 (57f4a4c2)

Bug Fixes

  • Free up disk space for wasm CI build (3cd6bef6)

Stephen Aylward (2):


Bug Fixes

  • ComputeTrainingMask preserve image info. TubeExtractor count. (73253995)

Stephen R. Aylward (8):


  • Replace incorrectly deleted MinimalPathExtractionExport.h (#142) (8de02fed)
  • Bump to latest release of VTK and head of IPP (#147) (56ccb9ea)
  • Remove dependencies on VTK and simplify build-test-deploy process (#149) (1dc871df)
  • Update CI process to match ITK cookiecutter style, for better coverage of platforms (#152) (0b68ed12)

Bug Fixes

  • update wasm build scripts (#146) (414112ef)
  • Remove support for ARM/aarch64 and ENH: add support for caching CI VTK builds (#144) (14b57785)
  • Building tests fails on github workflow machines (#153) (454586b5)

Miscellaneous Changes

    • ENH: Bump to latest release of VTK and disable IOSS compilation (3ad175e0)


Dženan Zukić (12):


  • Add wrapping for PhasedArray3DSpecialCoordinatesImage and filters (8808f7a)
  • Add Python tests for PhasedArray3DSpecialCoordinatesImage (43179d3)
  • Bump version number to 0.6.2 (6f6fc8f)
  • Wrap IO factory for use from Python (63fd45b)
  • Add wrapping for itk::UltrasoundImageFileReader (8bacc3d)
  • reorganize to ease removal of PhasedArray3DSpecialCoordinatesImage (11b0ec8)
  • Add SSSCI wrapping with Python test and baseline (637c0e7)
  • Bump version number to 0.6.3 (b351ac1)

Documentation Updates

  • Correct itkCurvilinearArraySpecialCoordinatesImageFilters.wrap (f5cc8f8)

Platform Fixes

  • Fix warning C4834: discarding return value (ce02933)
  • Fix warning C4834: discarding return value of function (027b982)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix a copy-paste bug in Python unit test (6628586)


Many. Removed for size constraints.