What is needed is not necessarily the Group IO modules – what is needed are all modules that provide itk::ImageIOBase classes for population of the factory. Some modules in Group IO provide transform and mesh IO. And, there other modules that provide ImageIOBase classes that are not in Group IO.
So, what we needed is a new parameter for the itk_module macro that declares what factory classes a module provides. These values can be stored in lib/cmake/ITK-4.XX/Modules/ModuleName.cmake, and loaded and parsed by ITKConfig.cmake when find_package(ITK is called.
While having improved information specified in the itk_module, for internal and external management of the IO factories, would be an overall good thing, there are some conventions that can be currently be utilized. Currently, all IO modules names contain “IO”, so I have using the following in SimpleITK, which may work for your case too:
Thanks for the feedback! @matt.mccormick that would super helpful for external projects indeed. I’ll go for parsing ITK_MODULES_ENABLED for now, as @blowekamp suggested. Thanks!
# First pass to get the list of IOs available
# Create list of avaialble image formats
foreach(ImageFormat ${LIST_OF_IMAGEIO_FORMATS})
if (NOT ${ImageFormat}_image_module_name )
list(APPEND IOList ITKIO${ImageFormat})
find_package(ITK COMPONENTS IsotropicWavelets ${IOList} REQUIRED )
I thought LIST_OF_IMAGEIO_FORMATS and LIST_OF_TransformIO_FORMATS were “private” cmake variables, and not part of the public interface for of UseITK.cmake?
Minor tweak possible here – include_directories is called already by include(${ITK_USE_FILE}), so it can be removed. This will help reduce the length of the command line calls.
Do you know if this approach is still valid in ITK-5.0?
I cannot read 3D tiff files with the suggested workaround --it reads a 3D image, but only the first slice-- but if a hard code the ITKIOTIFF component it works.
I am not getting a read error, it is just that the image of size 64x64x16 reads as 64x64x1.
@matt.mccormick and @phcerdan I am wondering how we can realize which components should be added in the cmakelist. For example, once I included the #include <itkMeshFileWriter.h> , I was getting the undefined reference errors as follows:
CMakeFiles/3-WritePLY.dir/main.cpp.o:(.data+0xc0): undefined reference to `itk::BYUMeshIOFactoryRegister__Private()'
CMakeFiles/3-WritePLY.dir/main.cpp.o:(.data+0xc8): undefined reference to `itk::BYUMeshIOFactoryRegister__Private()'
CMakeFiles/3-WritePLY.dir/main.cpp.o:(.data+0xd0): undefined reference to `itk::FreeSurferAsciiMeshIOFactoryRegister__Private()'
CMakeFiles/3-WritePLY.dir/main.cpp.o:(.data+0xd8): undefined reference to `itk::FreeSurferAsciiMeshIOFactoryRegister__Private()'
CMakeFiles/3-WritePLY.dir/main.cpp.o:(.data+0xe0): undefined reference to `itk::FreeSurferBinaryMeshIOFactoryRegister__Private()'
CMakeFiles/3-WritePLY.dir/main.cpp.o:(.data+0xe8): undefined reference to `itk::FreeSurferBinaryMeshIOFactoryRegister__Private()'
CMakeFiles/3-WritePLY.dir/main.cpp.o:(.data+0xf0): undefined reference to `itk::GiftiMeshIOFactoryRegister__Private()'
CMakeFiles/3-WritePLY.dir/main.cpp.o:(.data+0xf8): undefined reference to `itk::GiftiMeshIOFactoryRegister__Private()'
CMakeFiles/3-WritePLY.dir/main.cpp.o:(.data+0x100): undefined reference to `itk::OBJMeshIOFactoryRegister__Private()'
CMakeFiles/3-WritePLY.dir/main.cpp.o:(.data+0x108): undefined reference to `itk::OBJMeshIOFactoryRegister__Private()'
CMakeFiles/3-WritePLY.dir/main.cpp.o:(.data+0x110): undefined reference to `itk::OFFMeshIOFactoryRegister__Private()'
CMakeFiles/3-WritePLY.dir/main.cpp.o:(.data+0x118): undefined reference to `itk::OFFMeshIOFactoryRegister__Private()'
CMakeFiles/3-WritePLY.dir/main.cpp.o:(.data+0x120): undefined reference to `itk::VTKPolyDataMeshIOFactoryRegister__Private()'
I just commented the include line and then could run the code. But how we can know that which component should we include in the fine_package in the cmake file whenever we are including any specific header file?