When I used itk.PDEDeformableRegistrationFilter to perform deformable registration on two 3D images using python supported ITK, “Segmentation fault (core dumped)” appeared. Other deformable registration methods including itk.DemonsRegistrationFilter, itk.DiffeomorphicDemonsRegistrationFilter, itk.LevelSetMotionRegistration Filter, itk.FastSymmetricForcesDemonsRegistrationFilter and SymmetricForcesDemonsRegistrationFilter can work without crash. Could someone help to check it? Thanks in advance.
I have never used PDEDeformableRegistrationFilter directly. I have only used the derived classes from it such as Demons and the LevelSet based registration methods.
It is possible that this filter is not intended to be used directly, and only as a base class. I don’t see any examples which use this class either.
Yes, PDEDeformableRegistrationFilter is a base class and is not intended to be used directly. One of the inherited classes, visualized in the class’s Doxygen inheritance diagram, can be used instead: