3D Reconstruction from 2D XRay DICOM images

Can we reconstruct 3D model from 2D DiCoM images obtained from XRays?

I read this link, but didn’t find any relevant answer:
3D reconstruction

I also didn’t find any geometric metadata in the XRay DiCoM files unlike that available in CT/MRI files.

That is a non-trivial task, take a look at one example of it being done: https://hal.science/hal-02181752/file/IBHGC_ESJO_2019_GAJNY.pdf

I have read similar research papers which used techniques of statistical shape modeling (SSM) and contour extraction from freeform deformation (FFD). But, that seems out of the scope.

I was wondering if getting depth information for 3D reconstruction is possible from camera parameters (which are not available at the moment) and then using image processing techniques.