I am having a lot of problems with watershed Segmentation even now with wasi build. I will explain this in my next message,
I did try to debug a wasi-build-debug of InputsOutputs.wasi.wasm module and i failed. I followed the DebugMe example and lldb-14 crashes because looking for the input files?
Command-line commands: lldb14 -- wasmtime -g run ./wasi-build-debug/InputsOutputs.wasi.wasm -- -- ./VisibleWomanHeadSlice.png ./smotthed.png
Here is the screen shot of the screen how the error happens
i get bunch of messages which i dont understand , error caused by not finding a file, which files? InputsOutputs.wasi.wasm, input image files?, i am confused and spend yesterday trying to debug it so i can move onto the watershed segmentation.
also i build it as debug build as you have mentioned in the previous message. I place following screen shots so you could investigate it
package.json file
InputsOutputs wasi-build-debug file list
Could you please write down exact command list in ubuntu starting with lldb-14, and walk me through how to continue inside the lldb-14, because inside lldb environment break points not work, run gives assertions not finding files?
please write down exact command for InputsOutputs case how to debug it with lldb-14, can you put sometime so we know and you can post it later, i need to know it now, thanks
appriciate it in advance.
p.s.: I discovered i have done a gross mistake in building wasi of watershed so that one has a problem. I believe it is related to the file format of the image VisibleWomanHeadSlice, i will explain in details in next message