Unable to save dicom metadata

I had to save images into dicoms. I did it with a help of example from docs. I wasn’t able to save modified metadata - most importantly uids.
To prove it I prepared simplest script generating zero-filled dicoms and it does not work either.
I am missing something?

import SimpleITK as sitk
import numpy as np
import os
import pydicom

os.makedirs("out", exist_ok=True)

slices_count = 5
study_uid = str(pydicom.uid.generate_uid())
series_uid = str(pydicom.uid.generate_uid())
patient_uid = str(pydicom.uid.generate_uid())
direction = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
#direction = niimg.GetDirection()
# Set the image's meta-information (DICOM tags).
# writer.KeepOriginalImageUIDOff()
# Use the study/series/frame of reference information given in the meta-data
# dictionary and not the automatically generated information from the file IO
writer = sitk.ImageFileWriter()
for i in range(slices_count):
    image_slice = sitk.GetImageFromArray(np.zeros((64,64), dtype=np.uint8))
    image_slice.SetMetaData("(0020|0037)", '\\'.join(map(str, (direction[0], direction[3], direction[6],
    image_slice.SetMetaData("(0020,000d)", study_uid)
    image_slice.SetMetaData("(0020,000e)", series_uid)
    image_slice.SetMetaData("(0010,0020)", patient_uid)
    image_slice.SetMetaData("(0008,0060)", "CT")
    #   Instance Number
    image_slice.SetMetaData("0020|0013", str(i))
        "\\".join(map(str, [0, 0, i])),
    print([(k,image_slice.GetMetaData(k)) for k in image_slice.GetMetaDataKeys()])

    # Write to the output directory and add the extension dcm, to force writing
    # in DICOM format.
    writer.SetFileName(os.path.join("out", str(i) + ".dcm"))


[('(0008,0060)', 'CT'), ('(0010,0020)', '1.2.826.0.1.3680043.8.498.71806937837524007017059679289656591893'), ('(0020,000d)', '1.2.826.0.1.3680043.8.498.98560560569895736354598365450656533363'), ('(0020,000e)', '1.2.826.0.1.3680043.8.498.86398285000679321064707830263869202609'), ('(0020|0037)', '1.0\\0.0\\0.0\\0.0\\1.0\\0.0'), ('0020|0013', '0'), ('0020|0032', '0\\0\\0')]
[('(0008,0060)', 'CT'), ('(0010,0020)', '1.2.826.0.1.3680043.8.498.71806937837524007017059679289656591893'), ('(0020,000d)', '1.2.826.0.1.3680043.8.498.98560560569895736354598365450656533363'), ('(0020,000e)', '1.2.826.0.1.3680043.8.498.86398285000679321064707830263869202609'), ('(0020|0037)', '1.0\\0.0\\0.0\\0.0\\1.0\\0.0'), ('0020|0013', '1'), ('0020|0032', '0\\0\\1')]
[('(0008,0060)', 'CT'), ('(0010,0020)', '1.2.826.0.1.3680043.8.498.71806937837524007017059679289656591893'), ('(0020,000d)', '1.2.826.0.1.3680043.8.498.98560560569895736354598365450656533363'), ('(0020,000e)', '1.2.826.0.1.3680043.8.498.86398285000679321064707830263869202609'), ('(0020|0037)', '1.0\\0.0\\0.0\\0.0\\1.0\\0.0'), ('0020|0013', '2'), ('0020|0032', '0\\0\\2')]
[('(0008,0060)', 'CT'), ('(0010,0020)', '1.2.826.0.1.3680043.8.498.71806937837524007017059679289656591893'), ('(0020,000d)', '1.2.826.0.1.3680043.8.498.98560560569895736354598365450656533363'), ('(0020,000e)', '1.2.826.0.1.3680043.8.498.86398285000679321064707830263869202609'), ('(0020|0037)', '1.0\\0.0\\0.0\\0.0\\1.0\\0.0'), ('0020|0013', '3'), ('0020|0032', '0\\0\\3')]
[('(0008,0060)', 'CT'), ('(0010,0020)', '1.2.826.0.1.3680043.8.498.71806937837524007017059679289656591893'), ('(0020,000d)', '1.2.826.0.1.3680043.8.498.98560560569895736354598365450656533363'), ('(0020,000e)', '1.2.826.0.1.3680043.8.498.86398285000679321064707830263869202609'), ('(0020|0037)', '1.0\\0.0\\0.0\\0.0\\1.0\\0.0'), ('0020|0013', '4'), ('0020|0032', '0\\0\\4')]

% pydicom show out/4.dcm    
Dataset.file_meta -------------------------------
(0002,0000) File Meta Information Group Length  UL: 258
(0002,0001) File Meta Information Version       OB: b'\x00\x01'
(0002,0002) Media Storage SOP Class UID         UI: Secondary Capture Image Storage
(0002,0003) Media Storage SOP Instance UID      UI: 1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.1125.1.8912750519538242706577295536172681
(0002,0010) Transfer Syntax UID                 UI: Implicit VR Little Endian
(0002,0012) Implementation Class UID            UI: 1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.1143.
(0002,0013) Implementation Version Name         SH: 'GDCM 3.0.24'
(0002,0016) Source Application Entity Title     AE: 'GDCM/ITK 5.4.0'
(0008,0016) SOP Class UID                       UI: Secondary Capture Image Storage
(0008,0018) SOP Instance UID                    UI: 1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.1125.1.8912750519538242706577295536172681
(0008,0020) Study Date                          DA: '20241030'
(0008,0030) Study Time                          TM: '202112.896434'
(0008,0050) Accession Number                    SH: ''
(0008,0060) Modality                            CS: 'OT'
(0008,0064) Conversion Type                     CS: 'WSD'
(0008,0090) Referring Physician's Name          PN: ''
(0010,0010) Patient's Name                      PN: ''
(0010,0020) Patient ID                          LO: ''
(0010,0030) Patient's Birth Date                DA: ''
(0010,0040) Patient's Sex                       CS: ''
(0018,2010) Nominal Scanned Pixel Spacing       DS: [1, 1]
(0020,000D) Study Instance UID                  UI: 1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.1125.1.24150698580377258376551198836701802
(0020,000E) Series Instance UID                 UI: 1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.1125.1.72909148603177487433987107850774838
(0020,0010) Study ID                            SH: ''
(0020,0011) Series Number                       IS: None
(0020,0013) Instance Number                     IS: '4'
(0020,0020) Patient Orientation                 CS: ''
(0020,0032) Image Position (Patient)            DS: [0, 0, 4]
(0028,0002) Samples per Pixel                   US: 1
(0028,0004) Photometric Interpretation          CS: 'MONOCHROME2'
(0028,0010) Rows                                US: 64
(0028,0011) Columns                             US: 64
(0028,0100) Bits Allocated                      US: 8
(0028,0101) Bits Stored                         US: 8
(0028,0102) High Bit                            US: 7
(0028,0103) Pixel Representation                US: 0
(0028,1052) Rescale Intercept                   DS: '0'
(0028,1053) Rescale Slope                       DS: '1'
(0028,1054) Rescale Type                        LO: 'US'
(7FE0,0010) Pixel Data                          OW: Array of 4096 elements


Darwin Kernel Version 23.4.0: Wed Feb 21 21:44:54 PST 2024; root:xnu-10063.101.15~2/RELEASE_ARM64_T6030 arm64
Python 3.11.9

Hello @alrut,

The DICOM tags you are setting are not in the correct format, separator is comma (“,”) instead of the pipe character (“|”) which is what ITK/SimpleITK use and you have parenthesis which should not be in the string. Code should be:

image_slice.SetMetaData("0020|000d", study_uid)
image_slice.SetMetaData("0020|000e", series_uid)
image_slice.SetMetaData("0010|0020", patient_uid)
image_slice.SetMetaData("0008|0060", "CT")

@zivy Thank you very much, I copied necessary tags from pydicom show and somehow I didn’t realized that format was different.

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Your mistake inspired this PR:

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