Trouble when reading some dcm files

Hi everyone,
I met a problem when reading some dcm files recently when using itk-wasm, in the past the input files was usually a sort of single slice dcm files, but some newer ones became only one file that seems contained multi slices.
The problem is, when the file is not so large(e.g. about 125MB), there will be no problem, but when the size reaches 260MB or more, I will get some aborted errors like this:

The error will show when using readFile/readImage/readImageDicomFileSeries, but if not related to the data it will not show, e.g. when using readDicomTags but it its only in itk-wasm, in the old example page which use itk.js this error will not show.
When using dicom-parser to read the data, it could be read and is like this (it is the data for a dcm file at the size of 265MB):

Is there any idea on how to get it work in itk-wasm? Thanks in advance.

@matt.mccormick and/or @jadh4v might be able to answer this.

@Xoz Thank you for reporting the issue.
Are you using the latest release of the itk-wasm/dicom package? If not, can you please upgrade the package and report the error msg you receive?
Also, can you provide more details about the input files you are trying to read?
What is the DICOM SOP class you are using to read? Is it a multi-frame single dcm file image?

Hi @jadh4v,
I’ve upgraded from 7.0.0 to 7.2.0, the file which size is 265MB works now but the other 530MB one still reports error abort(), the log error and debug is like this:

Seems to be an error inside wasm module.
I’m not sure of the SOP class, when reading the file I just use default settings and did not manually set params like TransferSyntaxUID in dicom-parser. The ones I use to test are all multi-frame single dcm file images(the normal multi file ones work with no problem), and here are the info of the tags I’ve got from the 530MB one:

And this is the one for 265MB one:

And if you need here are the dcm files: