SWIG in SimpleITK architecture

Can someone point me to the design of how swig is being used in ITK/SimpleITK? Or explain that succinctly in terms of the architecture, merits and limitations?

I asked a similar question about vtk not knowing that SWIG isn’t used in vtk.


I have found an useful document here: https://data.kitware.com/#collection/57b5c9e58d777f126827f5a1/folder/57b5ddb98d777f10f2695fb0

I attach pdf: SimpleITK-MICCAI-2011.pdf (2.5 MB)

I hope to help you.

If you are interested in the architecture of SimpleITK the design paper would be the definitive reference:

B. C. Lowekamp, D. T. Chen, L. Ibáñez, D. Blezek, “The Design of SimpleITK”, Front. Neuroinform. , 7:45. https://doi.org/10.3389/fninf.2013.00045, 2013.

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If you want technical details about how SimpleITK uses SWIG, you can check out the original paper here:

Lowekamp BC, Chen DT, Ibáñez L, Blezek D. The Design of SimpleITK. Front Neuroinform. 2013 Dec 30;7:45. doi: 10.3389/fninf.2013.00045. PMID: 24416015; PMCID: PMC3874546.

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More information on SWIG in ITK’s wrapping infrastructure can be found in Book 1, Section 3.7 of the ITK Software Guide.