Update 6 February: I got this to work. I confirm the mask on the moving image works.
Hello! I am having difficulty to get a registration with a mask on the moving image to work. I have attached the full code below, as well as the two images that I’m trying to register. One of the images, the moving image, has “bad” values that I want the registration to ignore.
I am trying to register with a translation transform. The code works fine when I do not apply any mask. I can also get it to work when applying a mask to the fixed image, with m.SetMetricFixedMask
. But when I try to apply a mask to the moving image, with m.SetMetricMovingMask
, the registration refuses to run. It tells me that “All samples map outside moving image buffer”, but I do not understand why. I checked the mask, and it has 0 values exactly where the bad values are, and 1 elsewhere.
Could someone give me a hint about what I’m not doing right?
fix.tif (842.7 KB)
mov.tif (837.1 KB)
metric_moving_mask.py (1.4 KB)
Here are the contents of metric_moving_mask.py
import SimpleITK as sitk
# unregistered images, in a type suitable for direct ingestion into the registration
fix = sitk.ReadImage("fix.tif")
mov = sitk.ReadImage("mov.tif")
mov_mask = sitk.ReadImage("mov_mask.png")
# set up registration
m = sitk.ImageRegistrationMethod()
m.SetOptimizerAsGradientDescentLineSearch(2, 50, 1e-6)
lambda: print(
f"{m.GetOptimizerIteration():3}, {m.GetMetricValue():10.5f}, {m.GetOptimizerPosition()}"
# execute registration
t = sitk.TranslationTransform(2)
final_transform = m.Execute(fix, mov)
print(f"final transform: {final_transform}")
print(f"Optimizer stop condition: {m.GetOptimizerStopConditionDescription()}")
# diagnostic image
resampler = sitk.ResampleImageFilter()
mov_r = resampler.Execute(mov)
fix_8 = sitk.Cast(sitk.RescaleIntensity(fix), sitk.sitkUInt8)
mov_r_8 = sitk.Cast(sitk.RescaleIntensity(sitk.Mask(mov_r, mov_mask)), sitk.sitkUInt8)
im_registered = sitk.Compose(fix_8, mov_r_8, fix_8)
sitk.WriteImage(im_registered, "diagnostic.png")