I can write a 3d sitk Image to a single png, is there a hidden switch to get multiple pngs per 3D image?
Sean Hatton, PhD
I can write a 3d sitk Image to a single png, is there a hidden switch to get multiple pngs per 3D image?
Sean Hatton, PhD
You might want itk::ImageSeriesWriter, or its SimpleITK equivalent, itk::simple::ImageSeriesWrite.
Hello @Sean_Hatton
You can provide a set of file names to WriteImage
and it will save slices along the z axis, code below:
import SimpleITK as sitk
import os
image = X
output_dir = '.'
slice_prefix = 'slice'
sitk.WriteImage(image, [os.path.join(output_dir, f"{slice_prefix}{i:03d}.png") for i in range(image.GetDepth())])
Great, that worked a dream! Thank you!