I am struggling with getting right binary version of the SimpleITK python to work with Miniconda and still I can seem to make it work. python wrapper allows me to make things simpler to write with simpleitk. if some one got this python binaries work work with Miniconda please let me know the exact steps. I have tried to build the simpleitk from condo command line and that also fails with some libraries problems. I have spent one week so far. I don’t understand why simpleITK team does not proivde the correct installation instructions that actually work and make our lives easier. I totally gave up on simple itk python/java wrapper.
Complaining without providing additional details about your issues will not move your project forward. Ignoring our responses and claiming we are not responsive is also not constructive.
We previously responded to your questions here and here. I suggest you read the response and follow the installation instructions (they have worked for thousands of users).
I firstly thank your for the great work you all are doing for the tool kit and image processing concepts for medical applications, I got it to work! now I can use Fiji viewer for viewing my images, I can use simpleITK for python, .net c#, java, c++, and planing to do some simpleitk 2d 3d and may be rotate organs in 3d and paint them in different colors.
thank you