SimpleITK Euler3D transform, problem with output size/resampling

Hi there,
I’m trying to rotate a 3D volume using the Euler3D transform. For this, I first used the code below, but I found that the image size does not change if the image is rotated, which is explainable since I use input image as a reference image. However, I do want the image size to change since it sometimes results in not seeing the entire rotated image, so I edited the resampling code from the simpleITK notebooks in such a way that I would think it should work. However, I do not get good results and I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.

Could anybody help me with this?
Thank you!


Code first try:

def make_isotropic(image, interpolator = sitk.sitkLinear, spacing = None):
    Many file formats (e.g. jpg, png,...) expect the pixels to be isotropic, same
    spacing for all axes. Saving non-isotropic data in these formats will result in 
    distorted images. This function makes an image isotropic via resampling, if needed.
        image (SimpleITK.Image): Input image.
        interpolator: By default the function uses a linear interpolator. For
                      label images one should use the sitkNearestNeighbor interpolator 
                      so as not to introduce non-existant labels.
        spacing (float): Desired spacing. If none given then use the smallest spacing from
                         the original image.
        SimpleITK.Image with isotropic spacing which occupies the same region in space as 
        the input image.
    original_spacing = image.GetSpacing()
    # Image is already isotropic, just return a copy.
    if all(spc == original_spacing[0] for spc in original_spacing):
        return sitk.Image(image)
    # Make image isotropic via resampling.
    original_size = image.GetSize()
    if spacing is None:
        spacing = min(original_spacing)
    new_spacing = [spacing]*image.GetDimension()
    new_size = [int(round(osz*ospc/spacing)) for osz,ospc in zip(original_size, original_spacing)]
    return sitk.Resample(image, new_size, sitk.Transform(), interpolator,
                         image.GetOrigin(), new_spacing, image.GetDirection(), 0,

# Load image
filename_CTpreop = 'ctpreop.mha' 
CTpreop = sitk.ReadImage(filename_CTpreop)
CTpreop_iso = make_isotropic(CTpreop)

CTpreop_np = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(CTpreop)
CTpreop_iso_np = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(CTpreop_iso)

# This function is from
def matrix_from_angle(basis, angle):
    """Compute rotation matrix from rotation around basis vector.
    The combined rotation matrices are either extrinsic and can be used with
    pre-multiplied column vectors or they are intrinsic and can be used with
    post-multiplied row vectors. We use a right-hand system with right-hand
    rotations. We use the passive / alias convention. You can derive the
    active / alibi rotation matrix by transposing the rotation matrix.
    basis : int from [0, 1, 2]
        The rotation axis (0: x, 1: y, 2: z)
    angle : float
        Rotation angle
    R : array-like, shape (3, 3)
        Rotation matrix
    c = np.cos(angle)
    s = np.sin(angle)

    if basis == 0:
        R = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                      [0.0, c, s],
                      [0.0, -s, c]])
    elif basis == 1:
        R = np.array([[c, 0.0, -s],
                      [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
                      [s, 0.0, c]])
    elif basis == 2:
        R = np.array([[c, s, 0.0],
                      [-s, c, 0.0],
                      [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
        raise ValueError("Basis must be in [0, 1, 2]")

    return R

def matrix_from_euler_xyz(e):
    """Compute rotation matrix from xyz Euler angles.
    Intrinsic rotations are used to create the transformation matrix
    from three concatenated rotations.
    The xyz convention is usually used in physics and chemistry.
    e : array-like, shape (3,)
        Angles for rotation around x-, y'-, and z''-axes (intrinsic rotations)
    R : array-like, shape (3, 3)
        Rotation matrix
    alpha, beta, gamma = e
    # We use intrinsic rotations
    Qx = matrix_from_angle(0, alpha)
    Qy = matrix_from_angle(1, beta)
    Qz = matrix_from_angle(2, gamma)
    R =
    return R

def resample(image, transform):
    This function resamples (updates) an image using a specified transform
    :param image: The sitk image we are trying to transform
    :param transform: An sitk transform (ex. resizing, rotation, etc.
    :return: The transformed sitk image
    reference_image = image
    interpolator = sitk.sitkLinear
    default_value = 0
    return sitk.Resample(image, reference_image, transform,
                         interpolator, default_value)
def get_center(img):
    This function returns the physical center point of a 3d sitk image
    :param img: The sitk image we are trying to find the center of
    :return: The physical center point of the image
    width, height, depth = img.GetSize()
    return img.TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint((int(np.ceil(width/2)),

def rotation3d(image, theta_x, theta_y, theta_z):
    This function rotates an image across each of the x, y, z axes by theta_x, theta_y, and theta_z degrees
    :param image: An sitk 3D image
    :param theta_x: The amount of degrees the user wants the image rotated around the x axis
    :param theta_y: The amount of degrees the user wants the image rotated around the y axis
    :param theta_z: The amount of degrees the user wants the image rotated around the z axis
    :param show: Boolean, whether or not the user wants to see the result of the rotation
    :return: The rotated image
    euler_transform = sitk.Euler3DTransform()    
    image_center = get_center(image)
    #theta_x = np.deg2rad(theta_x)
    #theta_y = np.deg2rad(theta_y)
    #theta_z = np.deg2rad(theta_z)
    euler_angles = theta_x, theta_y, theta_z
    rot_mat_euler = matrix_from_euler_xyz(euler_angles)
    resampled_image = resample(image, euler_transform)
    return resampled_image

projection= CTpreop_iso_np.sum(axis=1)

[theta_x, theta_y, theta_z] = 0.5*np.pi, 0 , 0
resampled_image1 = make_isotropic(rotation3d(CTpreop, theta_x,theta_y, theta_z))

[theta_x, theta_y, theta_z] = 0, 0.5*np.pi, 0
resampled_image2 = make_isotropic(rotation3d(CTpreop, theta_x,theta_y, theta_z))

[theta_x, theta_y, theta_z] = 0, 0, 0.5*np.pi
resampled_image3 = make_isotropic(rotation3d(CTpreop, theta_x,theta_y, theta_z))

resampled_image1_np = sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(resampled_image1)
resampledprojection1 = resampled_image1_np.sum(axis=1)

resampled_image2_np = sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(resampled_image2)
resampledprojection2 = resampled_image2_np.sum(axis=1)

resampled_image3_np = sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(resampled_image3)
resampledprojection3 = resampled_image3_np.sum(axis=1)

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 4, 1)
imgplot = plt.imshow(projection, cmap='gray')
ax.set_title('CTpreop \nunchanged')
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 4, 2)
imgplot = plt.imshow(resampledprojection1, cmap='gray')
ax.set_title('CTpreop \n resampled 1')
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 4, 3)
imgplot = plt.imshow(resampledprojection2, cmap='gray')
ax.set_title('CTpreop \n resampled 2')
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 4, 4)
imgplot = plt.imshow(resampledprojection3, cmap='gray')
ax.set_title('CTpreop \n resampled 3')

After that I changed the resample and rotation3d function like this:

def resample(image, transform, output_size, output_origin, output_spacing, output_direction):
    This function resamples (updates) an image using a specified transform
    :param image: The sitk image we are trying to transform
    :param transform: An sitk transform (ex. resizing, rotation, etc.
    :return: The transformed sitk image
    interpolator = sitk.sitkLinear
    default_value = 0

    return sitk.Resample(image,output_size, transform,
                         interpolator, output_origin, output_spacing, output_direction)

def rotation3d(image, theta_x, theta_y, theta_z):
    This function rotates an image across each of the x, y, z axes by theta_x, theta_y, and theta_z degrees
    :param image: An sitk 3D image
    :param theta_x: The amount of degrees the user wants the image rotated around the x axis
    :param theta_y: The amount of degrees the user wants the image rotated around the y axis
    :param theta_z: The amount of degrees the user wants the image rotated around the z axis
    :param show: Boolean, whether or not the user wants to see the result of the rotation
    :return: The rotated image
    euler_transform = sitk.Euler3DTransform()    
    image_center = get_center(image)
    #theta_x = np.deg2rad(theta_x)
    #theta_y = np.deg2rad(theta_y)
    #theta_z = np.deg2rad(theta_z)
    euler_angles = theta_x, theta_y, theta_z
    rot_mat_euler = matrix_from_euler_xyz(euler_angles)
    extreme_points = [image.TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint((0,0,0)), 
                      image.TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint((0,image.GetHeight(), 0)),
                      image.TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint((0,image.GetHeight(), image.GetDepth())),
                      image.TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint((0,0, image.GetDepth()))]
    inv_euler3d = euler_transform.GetInverse()

    extreme_points_transformed = [inv_euler3d.TransformPoint(pnt) for pnt in extreme_points]
    min_x = min(extreme_points_transformed)[0]
    min_y = min(extreme_points_transformed, key=lambda p: p[1])[1]
    min_z = min(extreme_points_transformed, key=lambda p: p[2])[2]
    max_x = max(extreme_points_transformed)[0]
    max_y = max(extreme_points_transformed, key=lambda p: p[1])[1]
    max_z = max(extreme_points_transformed, key=lambda p: p[2])[2]

    output_spacing = image.GetSpacing()
    output_size = [int((max_x-min_x)/output_spacing[0]), int((max_y-min_y)/output_spacing[1]), int((max_z-min_z)/output_spacing[2])]
    input_origin = image.GetOrigin()
    output_origin = inv_euler3d.TransformPoint(input_origin) 
    output_direction = image.GetDirection()

    resampled_image = resample(image, euler_transform, output_size, output_origin, output_spacing, output_direction)    

    return resampled_image

You need to apply the transform to the direction, see this.

You are doing resampling twice, first to apply the transform, then to make the image isotropic. This leads to loss of quality. It is better to compound the transform, and do the resampling once. It will have higher quality and it is computationally faster too.

Lastly, you don’t need to write the code to apply the transform to the image yourself. ResampleInPlaceImageFilter is already available in master, an example to invoke it from Python is here. It should replace all of your custom processing code in updated version of rotation3d.

Note that the above code is using SimpleITK, and ResampleInPlaceImageFilter has not yet been implemented there. The current plan is to have it for version 2.2.

Hello @MMdeB,

I don’t think what you are looking for is the ResampleInPlaceImageFilter, I believe this is what you are trying to do (rotate and make the resulting volume isotropic):

import SimpleITK as sitk
import itertools
import numpy as np

def rotation3d(image, theta_x, theta_y, theta_z, output_spacing = None, background_value=0.0):
    This function rotates an image across each of the x, y, z axes by theta_x, theta_y, and theta_z degrees
    respectively and resamples it to be isotropic.
    :param image: An sitk 3D image
    :param theta_x: The amount of degrees the user wants the image rotated around the x axis
    :param theta_y: The amount of degrees the user wants the image rotated around the y axis
    :param theta_z: The amount of degrees the user wants the image rotated around the z axis
    :param output_spacing: Scalar denoting the isotropic output image spacing. If None, then use the smallest
                           spacing from original image.
    :return: The rotated image
    euler_transform = sitk.Euler3DTransform (image.TransformContinuousIndexToPhysicalPoint([(sz-1)/2.0 for sz in image.GetSize()]), 

    # compute the resampling grid for the transformed image
    max_indexes = [sz-1 for sz in image.GetSize()]
    extreme_indexes = list(itertools.product(*(list(zip([0]*image.GetDimension(),max_indexes)))))
    extreme_points_transformed = [euler_transform.TransformPoint(image.TransformContinuousIndexToPhysicalPoint(p)) for p in extreme_indexes]
    output_min_coordinates = np.min(extreme_points_transformed, axis=0)
    output_max_coordinates = np.max(extreme_points_transformed, axis=0)
    # isotropic ouput spacing
    if output_spacing is None:
      output_spacing = min(image.GetSpacing())
    output_spacing = [output_spacing]*image.GetDimension()  
    output_origin = output_min_coordinates
    output_size = [int(((omx-omn)/ospc)+0.5)  for ospc, omn, omx in zip(output_spacing, output_min_coordinates, output_max_coordinates)]
    # direction cosine of the resulting volume is the identity (default)
    return sitk.Resample(image1 = image, 
                         size = output_size, 
                         transform = euler_transform.GetInverse(), 
                         interpolator = sitk.sitkLinear, 
                         outputOrigin = output_origin,
                         outputSpacing = output_spacing,
                         defaultPixelValue = background_value)

Thank you very much, this works! I did have to change the code a bit, since it first got an error when doing the last step (sitk.Resample), because of giving the wrong/not enough input arguments. So I changed the code to this:

def rotation3d(image, theta_x, theta_y, theta_z, output_spacing = None, background_value=0.0):
    This function rotates an image across each of the x, y, z axes by theta_x, theta_y, and theta_z degrees
    respectively and resamples it to be isotropic.
    :param image: An sitk 3D image
    :param theta_x: The amount of degrees the user wants the image rotated around the x axis
    :param theta_y: The amount of degrees the user wants the image rotated around the y axis
    :param theta_z: The amount of degrees the user wants the image rotated around the z axis
    :param output_spacing: Scalar denoting the isotropic output image spacing. If None, then use the smallest
                           spacing from original image.
    :return: The rotated image
    euler_transform = sitk.Euler3DTransform (image.TransformContinuousIndexToPhysicalPoint([(sz-1)/2.0 for sz in image.GetSize()]), 

    # compute the resampling grid for the transformed image
    max_indexes = [sz-1 for sz in image.GetSize()]
    extreme_indexes = list(itertools.product(*(list(zip([0]*image.GetDimension(),max_indexes)))))
    extreme_points_transformed = [euler_transform.TransformPoint(image.TransformContinuousIndexToPhysicalPoint(p)) for p in extreme_indexes]
    output_min_coordinates = np.min(extreme_points_transformed, axis=0)
    output_max_coordinates = np.max(extreme_points_transformed, axis=0)
    # isotropic ouput spacing
    if output_spacing is None:
      output_spacing = min(image.GetSpacing())
    output_spacing = [output_spacing]*image.GetDimension()  
    output_origin = output_min_coordinates
    output_size = [int(((omx-omn)/ospc)+0.5)  for ospc, omn, omx in zip(output_spacing, output_min_coordinates, output_max_coordinates)]
    output_direction = [1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]
    output_pixeltype = image.GetPixelIDValue()

    return sitk.Resample(image, 
1 Like