Hi there,
I’m trying to rotate a 3D volume using the Euler3D transform. For this, I first used the code below, but I found that the image size does not change if the image is rotated, which is explainable since I use input image as a reference image. However, I do want the image size to change since it sometimes results in not seeing the entire rotated image, so I edited the resampling code from the simpleITK notebooks in such a way that I would think it should work. However, I do not get good results and I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.
Could anybody help me with this?
Thank you!
Code first try:
def make_isotropic(image, interpolator = sitk.sitkLinear, spacing = None):
Many file formats (e.g. jpg, png,...) expect the pixels to be isotropic, same
spacing for all axes. Saving non-isotropic data in these formats will result in
distorted images. This function makes an image isotropic via resampling, if needed.
image (SimpleITK.Image): Input image.
interpolator: By default the function uses a linear interpolator. For
label images one should use the sitkNearestNeighbor interpolator
so as not to introduce non-existant labels.
spacing (float): Desired spacing. If none given then use the smallest spacing from
the original image.
SimpleITK.Image with isotropic spacing which occupies the same region in space as
the input image.
original_spacing = image.GetSpacing()
# Image is already isotropic, just return a copy.
if all(spc == original_spacing[0] for spc in original_spacing):
return sitk.Image(image)
# Make image isotropic via resampling.
original_size = image.GetSize()
if spacing is None:
spacing = min(original_spacing)
new_spacing = [spacing]*image.GetDimension()
new_size = [int(round(osz*ospc/spacing)) for osz,ospc in zip(original_size, original_spacing)]
return sitk.Resample(image, new_size, sitk.Transform(), interpolator,
image.GetOrigin(), new_spacing, image.GetDirection(), 0,
# Load image
filename_CTpreop = 'ctpreop.mha'
CTpreop = sitk.ReadImage(filename_CTpreop)
CTpreop_iso = make_isotropic(CTpreop)
CTpreop_np = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(CTpreop)
CTpreop_iso_np = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(CTpreop_iso)
# This function is from https://github.com/rock-learning/pytransform3d/blob/7589e083a50597a75b12d745ebacaa7cc056cfbd/pytransform3d/rotations.py#L302
def matrix_from_angle(basis, angle):
"""Compute rotation matrix from rotation around basis vector.
The combined rotation matrices are either extrinsic and can be used with
pre-multiplied column vectors or they are intrinsic and can be used with
post-multiplied row vectors. We use a right-hand system with right-hand
rotations. We use the passive / alias convention. You can derive the
active / alibi rotation matrix by transposing the rotation matrix.
basis : int from [0, 1, 2]
The rotation axis (0: x, 1: y, 2: z)
angle : float
Rotation angle
R : array-like, shape (3, 3)
Rotation matrix
c = np.cos(angle)
s = np.sin(angle)
if basis == 0:
R = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
[0.0, c, s],
[0.0, -s, c]])
elif basis == 1:
R = np.array([[c, 0.0, -s],
[0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
[s, 0.0, c]])
elif basis == 2:
R = np.array([[c, s, 0.0],
[-s, c, 0.0],
[0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
raise ValueError("Basis must be in [0, 1, 2]")
return R
def matrix_from_euler_xyz(e):
"""Compute rotation matrix from xyz Euler angles.
Intrinsic rotations are used to create the transformation matrix
from three concatenated rotations.
The xyz convention is usually used in physics and chemistry.
e : array-like, shape (3,)
Angles for rotation around x-, y'-, and z''-axes (intrinsic rotations)
R : array-like, shape (3, 3)
Rotation matrix
alpha, beta, gamma = e
# We use intrinsic rotations
Qx = matrix_from_angle(0, alpha)
Qy = matrix_from_angle(1, beta)
Qz = matrix_from_angle(2, gamma)
R = Qx.dot(Qy).dot(Qz)
return R
def resample(image, transform):
This function resamples (updates) an image using a specified transform
:param image: The sitk image we are trying to transform
:param transform: An sitk transform (ex. resizing, rotation, etc.
:return: The transformed sitk image
reference_image = image
interpolator = sitk.sitkLinear
default_value = 0
return sitk.Resample(image, reference_image, transform,
interpolator, default_value)
def get_center(img):
This function returns the physical center point of a 3d sitk image
:param img: The sitk image we are trying to find the center of
:return: The physical center point of the image
width, height, depth = img.GetSize()
return img.TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint((int(np.ceil(width/2)),
def rotation3d(image, theta_x, theta_y, theta_z):
This function rotates an image across each of the x, y, z axes by theta_x, theta_y, and theta_z degrees
:param image: An sitk 3D image
:param theta_x: The amount of degrees the user wants the image rotated around the x axis
:param theta_y: The amount of degrees the user wants the image rotated around the y axis
:param theta_z: The amount of degrees the user wants the image rotated around the z axis
:param show: Boolean, whether or not the user wants to see the result of the rotation
:return: The rotated image
euler_transform = sitk.Euler3DTransform()
image_center = get_center(image)
#theta_x = np.deg2rad(theta_x)
#theta_y = np.deg2rad(theta_y)
#theta_z = np.deg2rad(theta_z)
euler_angles = theta_x, theta_y, theta_z
rot_mat_euler = matrix_from_euler_xyz(euler_angles)
resampled_image = resample(image, euler_transform)
return resampled_image
projection= CTpreop_iso_np.sum(axis=1)
[theta_x, theta_y, theta_z] = 0.5*np.pi, 0 , 0
resampled_image1 = make_isotropic(rotation3d(CTpreop, theta_x,theta_y, theta_z))
[theta_x, theta_y, theta_z] = 0, 0.5*np.pi, 0
resampled_image2 = make_isotropic(rotation3d(CTpreop, theta_x,theta_y, theta_z))
[theta_x, theta_y, theta_z] = 0, 0, 0.5*np.pi
resampled_image3 = make_isotropic(rotation3d(CTpreop, theta_x,theta_y, theta_z))
resampled_image1_np = sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(resampled_image1)
resampledprojection1 = resampled_image1_np.sum(axis=1)
resampled_image2_np = sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(resampled_image2)
resampledprojection2 = resampled_image2_np.sum(axis=1)
resampled_image3_np = sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(resampled_image3)
resampledprojection3 = resampled_image3_np.sum(axis=1)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 4, 1)
imgplot = plt.imshow(projection, cmap='gray')
ax.set_title('CTpreop \nunchanged')
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 4, 2)
imgplot = plt.imshow(resampledprojection1, cmap='gray')
ax.set_title('CTpreop \n resampled 1')
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 4, 3)
imgplot = plt.imshow(resampledprojection2, cmap='gray')
ax.set_title('CTpreop \n resampled 2')
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 4, 4)
imgplot = plt.imshow(resampledprojection3, cmap='gray')
ax.set_title('CTpreop \n resampled 3')
After that I changed the resample and rotation3d function like this:
def resample(image, transform, output_size, output_origin, output_spacing, output_direction):
This function resamples (updates) an image using a specified transform
:param image: The sitk image we are trying to transform
:param transform: An sitk transform (ex. resizing, rotation, etc.
:return: The transformed sitk image
interpolator = sitk.sitkLinear
default_value = 0
return sitk.Resample(image,output_size, transform,
interpolator, output_origin, output_spacing, output_direction)
def rotation3d(image, theta_x, theta_y, theta_z):
This function rotates an image across each of the x, y, z axes by theta_x, theta_y, and theta_z degrees
:param image: An sitk 3D image
:param theta_x: The amount of degrees the user wants the image rotated around the x axis
:param theta_y: The amount of degrees the user wants the image rotated around the y axis
:param theta_z: The amount of degrees the user wants the image rotated around the z axis
:param show: Boolean, whether or not the user wants to see the result of the rotation
:return: The rotated image
euler_transform = sitk.Euler3DTransform()
image_center = get_center(image)
#theta_x = np.deg2rad(theta_x)
#theta_y = np.deg2rad(theta_y)
#theta_z = np.deg2rad(theta_z)
euler_angles = theta_x, theta_y, theta_z
rot_mat_euler = matrix_from_euler_xyz(euler_angles)
extreme_points = [image.TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint((0,0,0)),
image.TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint((0,image.GetHeight(), 0)),
image.TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint((0,image.GetHeight(), image.GetDepth())),
image.TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint((0,0, image.GetDepth()))]
inv_euler3d = euler_transform.GetInverse()
extreme_points_transformed = [inv_euler3d.TransformPoint(pnt) for pnt in extreme_points]
min_x = min(extreme_points_transformed)[0]
min_y = min(extreme_points_transformed, key=lambda p: p[1])[1]
min_z = min(extreme_points_transformed, key=lambda p: p[2])[2]
max_x = max(extreme_points_transformed)[0]
max_y = max(extreme_points_transformed, key=lambda p: p[1])[1]
max_z = max(extreme_points_transformed, key=lambda p: p[2])[2]
output_spacing = image.GetSpacing()
output_size = [int((max_x-min_x)/output_spacing[0]), int((max_y-min_y)/output_spacing[1]), int((max_z-min_z)/output_spacing[2])]
input_origin = image.GetOrigin()
output_origin = inv_euler3d.TransformPoint(input_origin)
output_direction = image.GetDirection()
resampled_image = resample(image, euler_transform, output_size, output_origin, output_spacing, output_direction)
return resampled_image