I’m trying to create a DisplacementFieldTransform using a MetaImage that I’ve saved, but I’m getting a runtime error and I haven’t found anything online related to it. This is what the error says:
RuntimeError: Exception thrown in SimpleITK new_DisplacementFieldTransform: D:\a\1\sitk\Code\Common\include\sitkImageConvert.hxx:45:
sitk::ERROR: Expected number of elements in vector image to be the same as the dimension!
The MetaImage that I’m using is a .mhd file that represents a deformation vector field. My goal is to apply the deformation field to an image to see how the image changes. A simplified version of my Python code is pasted below.
ref_img = sitk.ReadImage('\path\to\ref_img.mhd')
dvf_img = sitk.ReadImage('\path\to\dvf_img.mhd', sitk.sitkVectorFloat64)
displacementTx = sitk.DisplacementFieldTransform(dvf_img) # the code is breaking on this line
resampler = sitk.ResampleImageFilter()
deformed = resampler.Execute(ref_img)
I’ve looked at the size of the array that I get from the .mhd file and compared it to the original Image, and they have the same number of elements. The number of components per pixel is also 1 for the image. I’m very new to SITK so maybe it’s a simple solution that I haven’t thought of, but I haven’t been able to find any sort of documentation on this error. Any help would be greatly appreciated!