RTK reconstruction

i build ITK5.2.1&RTK2.3 in C++,RTK’s demo FirstReconstruction can run normally,but when i modified it for my project ,it failed,The detailed error message is the range of reconstructed data is [0.0,0.0],and display it in VTK shows nothing. my original data type is raw, which is named test.raw, the size of which is 30082496360 ,here are my mainly code,please do me a favor and give some advices,Thank you!

    using PixelType = unsigned short int;
    constexpr unsigned int Dimension = 3;
    using ImageType = itk::Image<PixelType, Dimension>;

    using GPUImageType = itk::CudaImage<float, 3>;
    int width = 3008;
    int height = 2496;

    typedef itk::RawImageIO<unsigned short , 3> ImageIOType;
    typedef itk::ImageFileReader<ImageType> ImageRType;
    ImageIOType::Pointer rawImgIO = ImageIOType::New();
    rawImgIO->SetFileTypeToBinary();						//设置二进制形式打开
    rawImgIO->SetFileDimensionality(3);				//设置图像维度
    rawImgIO->SetByteOrderToLittleEndian();					//设置小端序
    rawImgIO->SetDimensions(0, width);
    rawImgIO->SetDimensions(1, height);
    rawImgIO->SetDimensions(2, numOfProj);

    ImageType::SpacingType Spacing;

    Spacing[0] = spacing_origion; // spacing along X
    Spacing[1] = spacing_origion; // spacing along Y
    Spacing[2] = spacing_origion; // spacing along Z
    rawImgIO->SetSpacing(0, Spacing[0]);
    rawImgIO->SetSpacing(1, Spacing[1]);
    rawImgIO->SetSpacing(2, Spacing[2]);
    ImageType::PointType newOrigin;

    newOrigin[0] = spacing_origion * (width - 1) * (0.5);
    newOrigin[1] = spacing_origion * (height - 1) * 0.5;
    newOrigin[2] = 0.0;

    rawImgIO->SetOrigin(0, newOrigin[0]);
    rawImgIO->SetOrigin(1, newOrigin[1]);
    rawImgIO->SetOrigin(2, newOrigin[2]);
    rawImgIO->SetHeaderSize(0);								//文件头大小
    rawImgIO->SetNumberOfComponents(1);						//像素通道数(灰度为1,RGB为3)
    rawImgIO->SetPixelType(itk::ImageIOBase::SCALAR);		//设置标量类型,即灰度图
    ImageRType::Pointer reader = ImageRType::New();
    std::cout << "Read Data!" << std::endl;
    using ShrinkImageFilterType = itk::ShrinkImageFilter<ImageType, ImageType>;

    ShrinkImageFilterType::Pointer shrinkFilter = ShrinkImageFilterType::New();
    shrinkFilter->SetShrinkFactor(0, 4); // shrink the first dimension by a factor of 2 (i.e. 100 gets changed to 50)752*624
    shrinkFilter->SetShrinkFactor(1, 4); // shrink the second dimension by a factor of 3 (i.e. 100 gets changed to 33)
    shrinkFilter->SetShrinkFactor(2, 1);
    std::cout << "shrinkFilter!" << std::endl;
   /* shrinkFilter->Update();

    GPUInputImageType::SpacingType Spacing1 = shrinkFilter->GetOutput()->GetSpacing();
    using GeometryType = rtk::ThreeDCircularProjectionGeometry;
    GeometryType::Pointer geometry = GeometryType::New();
    double firstAng = 0.0;
    double angleRac = 360.0;
#pragma omp parallel for
    for (int i = 0; i < numOfProj; i++)
        double angle = firstAng + i * angleRac / numOfProj;
        geometry->AddProjection(sid, sdd, angle, shift, 0.0, 0.0, deangle, 0.0, 0.0);
    std::cout << "Create Geometry!" << std::endl;

    using CastFilter = itk::CastImageFilter<ImageType, GPUImageType>;
    CastFilter::Pointer Castfilter = CastFilter::New();
    std::cout << "Castfilter!" << std::endl;
    using ConstantImageType = rtk::ConstantImageSource<GPUImageType>;

    ConstantImageType::PointType origion;
    ConstantImageType::SpacingType spacing;
    ConstantImageType::SizeType outSize;
    float m = width / OutX;

    float scale[] = { width / OutX,width / OutY,height / OutZ };

    spacing[0] = 0.4 / (sdd / sid) * scale[0];
    spacing[1] = 0.4 / (sdd / sid) * scale[1];
    spacing[2] = 0.4 / (sdd / sid) * scale[2];

    origion[0] = -spacing[0] * (OutX - 1) * 0.5;
    origion[1] = -spacing[1] * (OutY - 1) * 0.5;
    origion[2] = -spacing[2] * (OutZ - 1) * 0.5;

    outSize[0] = OutX;
    outSize[1] = OutY;
    outSize[2] = OutZ;

    ConstantImageType::Pointer constanttype = ConstantImageType::New();
    std::cout << "Create ConstantImage!" << std::endl;
    using FDKFilter = rtk::CudaFDKConeBeamReconstructionFilter;
    FDKFilter::Pointer fdkfilter = FDKFilter::New();
    fdkfilter->SetInput(0, constanttype->GetOutput());
    fdkfilter->SetInput(1, Castfilter->GetOutput());
    std::cout << "fdkfilter!" << std::endl;
    using FOVFilter = rtk::FieldOfViewImageFilter<GPUImageType, GPUImageType>;
    FOVFilter::Pointer fovfilter = FOVFilter::New();
    fovfilter->SetInput(0, fdkfilter->GetOutput());
    std::cout << "fovfilter!" << std::endl;
   /* vtkfilter->SetInput(fovfilter->GetOutput());*/
    using WriterType = itk::ImageFileWriter<GPUImageType>;
    WriterType::Pointer writer = WriterType::New();
        std::cout << "Finished!" << std::endl;
    catch (const itk::ExceptionObject& err)
        std::cerr << "ExceptionObject caught !" << std::endl;
        std::cerr << err << std::endl;

It’s a bit hard to help you with the piece of code you provide. I would first check what comes out of your Castfilter to be sure that your projections are as expected. Note that FDK expects line integrals as input so you need to make sure that no attenuation (air) is at zero and that pixel values increase with the amount of attenuation. This normally requires normalizing the acquisition by a projection without object and taking the log. RTK can do this using the ProjectionsReader.

If your projections are not zero, then the geometry is wrong. See doc here. Can you provide all the missing information in the code (spacing_origion, width, height, etc). For example, your calculation of newOrigin seems wrong, it will give a positive value when you probably want to multiply by -0.5 to center your projection.

thank you for replying,spacing_origion is pixel size in image,the value of which is 0.1,width and height is single level image size for width is 3008,height is 2496,sid is 183.61,sdd is 686.68,num of projections is 360, shift of detector is -4.38,the angle of detector is -0.18,OutX is 752, 752, 624,and i will try to figure out wether no attenuation (air) is at zero and that pixel values increase with the amount of attenuation.

With these values, newOrigin shifts the projections away which is probably why it’s all blank. Try

    newOrigin[0] = spacing_origion * (width - 1) * -0.5;
    newOrigin[1] = spacing_origion * (height - 1) * -0.5;

thank you for your reply,it works correctly! the reconstructed data is as expected now! it’s for my carelessness :joy: