rkttutoriablapplicaiton sample, adding volumes

I work on the rtktutorialapplication project in RTK/applications folder and I have followed instruction in the xxx.cxx file and built it. now I need two volumes as arguments for rtktutorialapplication.exe vol1 vol2.
I used rtkFirstReconstruction to create a sphere volumes with different sizes.
1.vol1 and vol2 are in format of .mha and .xml, how to capture these volumes in a internal data structure of rtk?
2. how to add them is there a class to do it or a static method to provide vol1 and vol2 and return the vol1 + vol2?

any help Is appreciated!


Hi sag,
Note that RTK has its own mailing list, see here. That should be more efficient to get help, I did not notice your post yesterday.
I did not write this tutorial application but looking at the code, you need one input volume, one scalar and one output file name. Something like:
rtktutorialapplication -i input.mha -c 10 -o output.mha

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