Research associate position at the University of Virginia

The Department of Radiology & Medical Imaging’s Research Division at the University of Virginia is seeking candidates for a full-time Research Associate position. The successful candidate will be responsible for developing methods and algorithms for non-invasive quantitative assessment of dynamic positron emission tomography (PET) images of rodent heart and human brain. This will involve advanced image processing including motion correction, image registration, segmentation and parametric analysis using compartment models for improved detection of functional cardiac and brain abnormalities from dynamic PET images non-invasively. In-depth knowledge of digital image processing is required using Matlab and C++.

A Ph.D. degree in Engineering, Science or related background is required at the time of hire. Qualified candidates must have experience providing leadership to small groups and must be able to work independently once objectives are defined and methods of approach have been set. They must have good track record of scientific publication in the field.

Please contact Bijoy Kundu ( or follow the link:

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Just a follow-up to the updated position–

Please note that no prior experience in PET is needed although experience in biomedical image analysis is required.