March 20, 2020, 12:29pm
I intend to remove from sitk::Image the smallest component from it (in the first stage). For that, I wrote:
BOOL CMyDoc::Segement(sitk::Image& img)
sitk::Image imgTemp(img);
int64_t nMaxLabel = 0, nMaxSize = 0;
sitk::Image cc = sitk::SLIC(imgTemp);
sitk::LabelIntensityStatisticsImageFilter statistics;
statistics.Execute(cc, imgTemp);
std::vector<int64_t>::iterator it;
std::vector<int64_t> labels = statistics.GetLabels();
for (it = labels.begin(); it != labels.end(); ++it)
if (nMaxLabel < statistics.GetPhysicalSize(*it))
nMaxLabel = *it;
nMaxSize = statistics.GetPhysicalSize(*it);
CArray<long, long> arr;
for (it = labels.begin(); it != labels.end(); ++it)
if (statistics.GetPhysicalSize(*it) > nMaxSize * 0.5)
My question is, how can use it arr object to remove the points from the resulting image ? What kind of filter should I use ?
I have read about this filter:https://itk.org/SimpleITKDoxygen/html/classitk_1_1simple_1_1MaskNegatedImageFilter.html , but I don’t know how to use it in this case … I mean, what mask image should I provide ? https://itk.org/SimpleITKDoxygen/html/classitk_1_1simple_1_1MaskNegatedImageFilter.html#ad5c71726224210803c9233e5ed8473d0
Might be a trivial question, but for me is not. Thank you for your patience and your time.
(Dženan Zukić)
March 20, 2020, 3:15pm
Relabel filter reorders the labels and removes the small ones. Would that work for you?
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March 20, 2020, 3:56pm
Good point, I will try it.
I have tried myself something:
std::vector<unsigned int> size = imgTemp.GetSize();
int64_t* p = imgTemp.GetBufferAsInt64();
unsigned int nCount = size[0] * size[1] * size[2];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
TRACE("%d===%I64d\n", i, p[i]);
but this is no fit with statistics.GetLabels() method:
sitk::ERROR: The image is of type: 16-bit signed integer but the GetBuffer access method requires type: 64-bit signed integer!
… hmm … what could I plugin the data ?
March 21, 2020, 7:56pm
@dzenanz , seem to work sitk::RelabelComponent filter … the resulting image are not very sharp, but it is a step forward.
March 26, 2020, 11:43am
I have used sitk::RelabelComponent with pretty well results. But I noticed that if I denoise the image before applying this filter I got an error. Here is the code:
sitk::Image imgTemp(imgOrg);
sitk::Image curvature = sitk::CurvatureFlow(imgTemp, 0.125, 5);
imgOuput = sitk::RelabelComponent(curvature, 200);
and the error is: sitk::ERROR: Pixel type: 64-bit float is not supported in 3D byclass itk::simple::RelabelComponentImageFilter
If I didn’t apply sitk::CurvatureFlow I have no problem … how can I overcome this error ?
Thanks much.
(Bradley Lowekamp)
March 26, 2020, 12:59pm
It makes no sense to run diffusion on a labeled image and then “relabel” it. I can’t help here.
March 26, 2020, 1:14pm
“run diffusion on a labeled image ” imgOrg is not labeled image. Here is the functional code:
imgOut = sitk::CurvatureFlow(imgOrg, 0.022, 1);
And here is the code with the error:
sitk::Image curvature = sitk::CurvatureFlow(imgOrg, 0.022, 1);
imgOut = sitk::RelabelComponent(curvature, 200);
The fact is that another filter is run without any problem:
sitk::Image curvature = sitk::CurvatureFlow(imgOrg, 0.022, 1);
imgOut = sitk::ConnectedThreshold(curvature, list, 1400, 2600);
March 26, 2020, 3:43pm
I guess I have found a workaround for CurvatureFlow / RelabelComponent issue, and I am listing here for anyone who meet the same problem:
sitk::Image curvature = sitk::CurvatureFlow(imgOrg, 0.022, 1);
sitk::Image imgCast = sitk::Cast(curvature, imgOrg.GetPixelID());
imgOut = sitk::RelabelComponent(imgCast, 200);
Please correct me if I did something wrong.
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