Problem with image visualisation on jupyterlab 4.0.10

I have jupyterlab installed on docker image and I’ve also installed some additional libraries to the image like PyImageJ with ITKWidgets.
However, when i try to visualise something using itk library I only got object printed, here’s the image:

These are the version of a software installed on jupyter:

Selected Jupyter core packages...
IPython          : 8.19.0
ipykernel        : 6.28.0
ipywidgets       : 8.1.3
jupyter_client   : 8.6.0
jupyter_core     : 5.7.0
jupyter_server   : 2.12.2
jupyterlab       : 4.0.10
nbclient         : 0.8.0
nbconvert        : 7.14.0
nbformat         : 5.9.2
notebook         : 7.0.6
qtconsole        : not installed
traitlets        : 5.14.1

And this is the content of my Dockerfile:


SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-o", "pipefail", "-c"]

RUN mamba install --yes \
	'pyimagej' \
	'openjdk=8' \
	'ipywidgets' && \
    mamba clean --all -f -y 

RUN pip install --no-cache-dir 'itkwidgets[all]>=1.0a49'

RUN jupyter labextension enable imjoy-jupyterlab-extension
RUN jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager itk-jupyter-widgets



Does anyone knows what might be the issue here?
Thanks in advance!

@matt.mccormick and/or @PaulHax might be able to help.

Please ensure itkwidgets[all]>=1.0a53. Version 1.0a50 is is needed for JuperterLab 4. More info:

(Thanks for the ping dzenanz)


Thanks Paul and Dzenan for your quick response. However bumping itkwidgets to 1.0a53 version didn’t fix the issue. This is what I got printed on console when I run test from my first comment:

Jul 02, 2024 4:18:44 PM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences$1 run
INFO: Created user preferences directory.
ImageJ2 version: 2.15.0/1.54f
[INFO] Populating metadata
WARNING:imagej:Operating in headless mode - the original ImageJ will have limited functionality.
<itkwidgets.viewer.Viewer at 0x7f2ecad20350>

Do you maybe have any other idea what might cause this issue? Should I provide some more information to you?

Shucks. Upgrading the version was my one good idea =/

You could check the browser’s Javascript console (F12) to see if there is anything suspicioius.

@matt.mccormick may have a better idea.

I ran the itkwidgets Hello3DWorld.ipynb with your docker file and it worked. Hmmm.

These lines should probably be removed, which likely bring in old, incompatible dependencies.