The maximum value which is read is 2 and minimum value is 0 but the same thing read in matlab using the function dicomread is giving me maximum value of 4095 and minimum value of 0.
Is my datattype correct? How do I fix this issue?
I do not have slicer at the moment do not have much space in my computer ,I loaded it in ITK-SNAP the image did not load correctly and minimum and maximum values were -0.6 to 3.1 .It dosen’t match the matlab values. I will check it with slicer tomorrow.
DICOM images have slope and intercept tags. ITK automatically applies them. It is conceivable that DICOM image’s raw values range 0-4095, but transformed values range -0.6 to 3.1 - or some other similar range which might be a product of applying scale and intercept at lower precision (e.g. using integer math).
These images has grayvalues and color LUT maps also when using the dicomread function of matlab it gives the grayvalues and LUTmap separately . Is there a similar functionality which I can use in ITK.
You could use a code similar to the code fragment from the migration guide about how to counteract the rescale slope and rescale intercept. You can also use GDCMImageIO->GetRescaleSlope() instead of going via meta-data dictionary.