Memory Leak in Image Registration using SimpleITK

Hi, I’m getting an Error when I try to increase the number of control points in the Image Registration using B-Splines. The error I got is:

terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘itk::ExceptionObject’
what(): /home/felippe/SimpleITK-build/ITK/Modules/Core/Common/src/itkMultiThreader.cxx:399:
itk::ERROR: MultiThreader(0x4f58f40): Exception occurred during SingleMethodExecute

The code I’m using is:

// This one header will include all SimpleITK filters and external
// objects.
#include <SimpleITK.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iomanip>

namespace sitk = itk::simple;

// use sitk's output operator for std::vector etc..
using sitk::operator<<;

class IterationUpdate
  : public sitk::Command
  IterationUpdate( const sitk::ImageRegistrationMethod &m, const sitk::BSplineTransform &tx)
    : m_Method(m),

  // Override method from parent which is called at for the requested event
  virtual void Execute( )
      if (m_Method.GetOptimizerIteration() == 0)
        // The BSpline is resized before the first optimizer
        // iteration is completed per level. Print the transform object
        // to show the adapted BSpline transform.
        std::cout << m_BSplineTransform.ToString() << std::endl;

      // stash the stream state
      std::ios  state(NULL);
      std::cout << std::fixed << std::setfill(' ') << std::setprecision( 5 );
      std::cout << std::setw(3) << m_Method.GetOptimizerIteration();
      std::cout << " = " << std::setw(10) << m_Method.GetMetricValue() << std::endl;

  const sitk::ImageRegistrationMethod &m_Method;
  const sitk::BSplineTransform &m_BSplineTransform;


class MultiResolutionIterationUpdate
  : public sitk::Command
  MultiResolutionIterationUpdate( const sitk::ImageRegistrationMethod &m)
    : m_Method(m)

  // Override method from parent which is called at for the requested event
  virtual void Execute( )
      // The sitkMultiResolutionIterationEvent occurs before the
      // resolution of the transform. This event is used here to print
      // the status of the optimizer from the previous registration level.
      if (m_Method.GetCurrentLevel() > 0)
        std::cout << "Optimizer stop condition: " << m_Method.GetOptimizerStopConditionDescription() << std::endl;
        std::cout << " Iteration: " << m_Method.GetOptimizerIteration() << std::endl;
        std::cout << " Metric value: " << m_Method.GetMetricValue() << std::endl;

      std::cout << "--------- Resolution Changing ---------" << std::endl;

  const sitk::ImageRegistrationMethod &m_Method;

int main()

    //Reading the Fixed Image
    sitk::Image fixed = sitk::ReadImage( "/home/felippe/Área de Trabalho/Felippe/Mestrado/REGISTRO/Deformation_Registering_MATLAB/Volumes/Teste1/MNI152_T1_0.5mm.nii", sitk::sitkFloat32 );
    //fixed = sitk::Normalize( fixed );

    //Printing the dimensions of the fixed image
    std::vector<unsigned int> fixed_dims = fixed.GetSize();
    std::cout << "Fixed Image Dimensions: ";
    for (auto i = fixed_dims.begin(); i != fixed_dims.end(); ++i)
        std::cout << *i << ' ';
    std::cout << std::endl << "Fixed Image Pixel Type: " << fixed.GetPixelIDTypeAsString() << std::endl;
    std::cout << std::endl;

    //Reading the Moving Image
    sitk::Image moving = sitk::ReadImage( "/home/felippe/Área de Trabalho/Felippe/Mestrado/C_plus_plus/Codigos/build-Registration_ITK_CMAKE-Desktop_Qt_5_12_3_GCC_64bit-Default/mri_vbm6_transformed_affine.mha", sitk::sitkFloat32 );
    //moving = sitk::Normalize( moving );

    //Printing the dimensions of the moving image
    std::vector<unsigned int> moving_dims = moving.GetSize();
    std::cout << "Moving Image Dimensions: ";
    for (auto i = moving_dims.begin(); i != moving_dims.end(); ++i)
        std::cout << *i << ' ';
    std::cout << std::endl << "Moving Image Pixel Type: " << moving.GetPixelIDTypeAsString() << std::endl;
    std::cout << std::endl;
    std::cout << std::endl;

    std::cout << "Spacing in the Fixed Image: ";
    std::vector<double> fixed_spacing = fixed.GetSpacing();
    for (auto i = fixed_spacing.begin(); i != fixed_spacing.end(); ++i)
        std::cout << *i << ' ';
    std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;

    std::vector<unsigned int> transformDomainMeshSize(fixed.GetDimension(), 4);
    sitk::BSplineTransform tx = sitk::BSplineTransformInitializer(fixed, transformDomainMeshSize);

    std::cout << "Transform Domain Mesh Size: ";
    for (auto i = transformDomainMeshSize.begin(); i != transformDomainMeshSize.end(); ++i)
        std::cout << *i << ' ';
    std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;

    std::cout << "Initial Number of Parameters:" << tx.GetNumberOfParameters() << std::endl;

    sitk::ImageRegistrationMethod R;
    unsigned int number_of_histogram_bins = 32;
    std::vector<double> samplingPercentage(3);
    samplingPercentage[0] = 0.01;
    samplingPercentage[1] = 0.01;
    samplingPercentage[2] = 0.01;

    const double learningRate = 5.0;
    const unsigned int numberOfIterations = 100u;
    const double convergenceMinimumValue = 1e-4;
    const unsigned int convergenceWindowSize = 5;

    R.SetOptimizerAsGradientDescentLineSearch( learningRate,

    //R.SetOptimizerAsLBFGSB(convergenceMinimumValue, numberOfIterations);

    const unsigned int numberOfLevels = 3;
    std::vector<unsigned int> scaleFactors(numberOfLevels);
    scaleFactors[0] = 1;
    scaleFactors[1] = 2;
    scaleFactors[2] = 5;
    const bool inPlace = true;

    std::vector<unsigned int> shrinkFactors( numberOfLevels );
    shrinkFactors[0] = 4;
    shrinkFactors[1] = 2;
    shrinkFactors[2] = 1;
      R.SetShrinkFactorsPerLevel( shrinkFactors );

      std::vector<double> smoothingSigmas( numberOfLevels );
      smoothingSigmas[0] = 4.0;
      smoothingSigmas[1] = 2.0;
      smoothingSigmas[2] = 1.0;
      R.SetSmoothingSigmasPerLevel( smoothingSigmas );

      IterationUpdate cmd1(R, tx);
      R.AddCommand( sitk::sitkIterationEvent, cmd1);

      MultiResolutionIterationUpdate cmd2(R);
      R.AddCommand( sitk::sitkMultiResolutionIterationEvent, cmd2);

      std::cout << "Initializing the Registration!!" << std::endl << std::endl;
      sitk::Transform outTx = R.Execute( fixed, moving );

      std::cout << "-------" << std::endl;
      std::cout << outTx.ToString() << std::endl;
      std::cout << "Optimizer stop condition: " << R.GetOptimizerStopConditionDescription() << std::endl;
      std::cout << " Iteration: " << R.GetOptimizerIteration() << std::endl;
      std::cout << " Metric value: " << R.GetMetricValue() << std::endl;

      //Saving the transformation
      sitk::WriteTransform(outTx, "simple_transform.tfm");

      //Applying the transformation
      sitk::Image transformed_image = sitk::Resample(moving, fixed, outTx, sitk::sitkLinear, 0, moving.GetPixelID());
      sitk::WriteImage(transformed_image, "mri_vbm6_transformed_Affine_BS_444.mha");

      return 0;

When I set transformDomainMeshSize to 2 I can get sucess in the registration, but when I set 4 I get this error which I think is related with memory leak. So how can I solve this problem?


How much memory does your process use with size 2 and 4 (before crash)? You can monitor this in Task Manager in Windows, and top utility on Linux. And how much memory does your computer have?

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When I run with size 2, the OS uses (including the consumption by the OS) 2,6, 4,5 and 5,7GB for the registration of two images with size 364 436 364, 32 float and run successfully.
When I run with 4, the OS uses 4,3; 5,8 and in the last level the registration try to use almost 7GB and crash.

My computer has 8 GB of RAM.

Pretty clear: you run out of RAM. Buy more memory, or enable swap file (virtual memory).


That is an option, but I saw in the Elastix package which is also made over the ITK and the Elastix has an option for computing the MattesMutualInformation using less memory and when I run with it I don’t get out of memory (, look for UseFastAndLowMemoryVersion).

There are many ways to register two images. But the topic name (memory leak) implies a problem with the library, which is not the case.

The example runs into a memory allocation error for some inputs. That is a design limitation, not a bug. And you found a different example which doesn’t run out of memory - excellent, use that.

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