returns an image not a file name, just do:
A = “E:/IGR/1 11F06DD_Y5_M6_P50.nrrd”
B = “E:/IGR/1 11F06DD_Y6_M0_P99.nrrd”
fixed = sitk.ReadImage(A, sitk.sitkFloat32)
moving = sitk.ReadImage(B, sitk.sitkFloat32)
returns an image not a file name, just do:
A = “E:/IGR/1 11F06DD_Y5_M6_P50.nrrd”
B = “E:/IGR/1 11F06DD_Y6_M0_P99.nrrd”
fixed = sitk.ReadImage(A, sitk.sitkFloat32)
moving = sitk.ReadImage(B, sitk.sitkFloat32)
thanks ^^
But still having the same issue…
RuntimeError: Exception thrown in SimpleITK ImageRegistrationMethod_Execute: d:\a\1\work\b\itk-prefix\include\itk-4.13\itkImportImageContainer.hxx:199:
Failed to allocate memory for image.
I am so fed up…
either with DICOM or .nrrd format
Perhaps you are only running 32-bit python? What is the output of:
import platform; print(platform.architecture())
(‘32bit’, ‘WindowsPE’)
You should install 64-bit Python so you can access all of your memory and not be limited to 2-3GB.
I though I was on the good version but seems I wasn t …
Know it works well, thank you
3 posts were split to a new topic: Visualize registered images?