Loading .bin files originated from OCTA devices

Dear All,
I hope you are doing well.
I am a PhD student and working on a project related to medical image segmentation. one of my tasks is to compare annotation/segmentation tools. To compare the tools, first I should open my raw binary files (.bin) originated from OCTA machine (1536h x2048w x 2044bscans) and then do anntation/segmentation on them.
I have been able to do the task by Slicer but I have faced a problem in opening them by itk-snap. even by converting them into nrrd, I couldn’t show them. the nice part is here the 3d render of the image is generated and it is correct. but the image cannot be shown and all 3 planes are empty.

I would be grateful if you could help me.

Hello @aliyavari,

Your question is with respect to ITK-SNAP and not SimpleITK (as tagged). To get help with is issue, please post the question on the ITK-SNAP users google group.

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