There is now preliminary support for Scanco microCT image files.
To install the associated Python package:
python -m pip install itk-ioscanco
This package provides the new Pythonic interface available in ITK 5, and can be used together with the ITK Python package. The classes will read Scanoco .ISQ files in their native format, providing 3D imaging data and metadata.
For an example, see the following Jupyter notebook:
Build the module in C++ as a separate project against an ITK build tree::
git clone
mkdir ITKIOScanco-build
cd ITKIOScanco-build
cmake -DITK_DIR=/your/path/to/ITK-build ../ITKIOScanco
cmake --build .
Alternatively, since ITK 5.0, the module can be built by enabling the option:
in ITK’s CMake configuration.
For more information, please see the corresponding source code repository.