Hi! First thank you to all the contributors in here as it is always super useful. Probably this one is more indicated for the GDCM guru @mathieu.malaterre
I ran into a problem using GDCM to read dicom files in windows 11.
ITK version: 5.2.0
OS: windows 11
I am trying to read a DICOM folder, containing 270 dicom files. For that I simply use an ITK image reader with IOGDCM registered.
// Define pixel and image types
typedef unsigned short PixelType;
typedef itk::Image<PixelType, 2> ImageType;
// Define image reader with GDCMImageIO
typedef itk::ImageFileReader<ImageType> ReaderType;
ReaderType::Pointer reader = ReaderType::New();
// Create GDCMImageIO object and set it to the reader
typedef itk::GDCMImageIO ImageIOType;
ImageIOType::Pointer gdcmImageIO = ImageIOType::New();
// Read the DICOM image
try {
} catch (itk::ExceptionObject& ex) {
std::cerr << "[ERROR] reading DICOM image: " << ex << std::endl;
This is done for each DICOM file.
When you read the folder once, everything goes fine but when you try to read it again, I get the following error:
itk::ExceptionObject (00000050A30F2060)
Location: "unknown"
File: C:\Users\arveq\Documents\newb\src\ITK\Modules\IO\ImageBase\src\itkImageIOBase.cxx
Line: 649
Description: ITK ERROR: GDCMImageIO(00000215323B8490): Could not open file: C:/Users/arveq/Documents/newb/test_images/cs_3di_mc_flip25/116_tof_post. for reading.
Reason: Too many open files
Anyone has any clue about it? I did not find any info online and I tried to debug ITK’s code to find the origin of this “Too many open files” but it is itksys generating it and it is a bit confusing. In theory there is a new Reader created for each frame so I do not understand why there would be “Too many open files”.
On top of it, if I run the same code in macOS there is no issue at all. And the application runs much faster. My mac’s hardware is worse than my windows machine
I have also tried:
- ITK v5.3.0, same problem.
- in macOS everything works fine.
I assume it is a bug but I might be doing something wrong.
Any help will be super welcomed!
It seems to be a bug in ITK not being able to close file descriptors properly, because if I set the limit of opened file descriptors the error does not happen again. I always assumed that ITK was managing that for you…am I missing something?