ITK include directories for VS2017

Respect sir,
As I am new to ITk software,I want to know which
additional directories has to be copied in vs 2017 from itk. I request you
to please send me a list of include files to be pasted in project
properties of vs and the directories linking it. So that my project gets
Thank you.

Dear Ankita,
thanks for your interest in ITK !

Please, bear in mind that your question is not related to the “Gearing up for ITK5” topic of this thread. We would be pleased to answer your question, but for the sake of coherency and clarity, please post your question on a separate topic, and identify it appropriately. That way when other community members see the topic:

  • Your question will get more chances to be answered by other community members.
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You can have a look at our community guidelines here, and this section is of special interest for this case.

Thank you

Edit: the question has been moved to a new thread.

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@ankita Here is some old discussion about using ITK without CMake.

In short, use CMake as meta-build system, and you don’t need to fiddle with include directories.

If you don’t want to use CMake for whatever reason, configure some example project using CMake, generate a Visual Studio solution, and then you can copy include directories and link libraries from that example project to your own project.

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Thank you sir.