Interesting… That example, i took it from actual master branch Examples folder and run with arguments IMG019 out1.dcm out2.mha out3.dcm, seems to work for me if i comment out line:
writer3->SetImageIO( gdcmImageIO );
Could you reproduce? Thanks. (Edit: i don’t have DCMTKIO compiled)
With or without setting UseInputMetaDataDictionaryOff.
So generally GDCMIO still can write UCHAR images.
The problem without editing the example seems to be
Slope=1 Intercept=-1024
Where it comes from is not clear just now (edit: it is from setting old gdcmImageIO, s. next post), writer takes re-scaled data and slope/intercept have to be 1/0 and function Rescaler::InverseRescale should exit here , before the switch with assert(0).
Edit: BTW, IMG019 has rather seldom transfer syntax Explicit VR Big Endian, but i don’t think it is related to problems, just FYI, if someone will investigate the issue.