How to write unit testing in itk?

I found “ITKTestHarness” in itk testing framework but I’m getting errors while building it.

I’m getting no idea how unit test for images in itk?

Where did you find “ITKTestHarnerss” should be related to ITK within the context of The Insight Toolkit? ITKTestHarnerss and The Interoperability Toolkit seem to be related to the NHS message/document exchange system:


So unrelated to what we understand by ITK within this discussion forum. It seems an unfortunate coincidence.

So if you are seeking help related to testing in The Interoperability Toolkit, please refer to the pages above to seek for help; if you are seeking help about testing in The Insight Toolkit, the ITK Software Guide, sections 9.4 and C.23, provides useful guidance to develop ITK tests. If you need further help, please post specific questions and we will try to answer to the best of our possibilities.