How to read series of Dicom images into Django using ITK.js for web volume rendering using VTK.js?

Hello everyone,
I want to load series of DICOM images into the server and want to visualize it as a volume rendering using vtk.js on the web. As I found here ( that vtk.js doesn’t have support to load DICOM images so instead of VTK.js, I have to use ITK.js to read the Dicom image and later need to pass the input to the VTK.js for visualization.

I followed some examples from VTK.js pages and they worked very well in the Django framework, now I need to implement the ITK.js part to call DICOM series images.

Is there a way to just pass the ITK.js library like vtk.js in the Django framework or do I need to build from the beginning? I just need it to read Dicom images as my work is related to DICOM files.

And also I couldn’t find a better example of how to call or load DICOM images using ITK.js and then what should I pass to VTK.js.

Any helpful link related to ITK.js and VTK.js for reading the series of Dicom images in the Django framework would be healful.

Thank you!

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MIQA project uses itk.js and django. It only handles NIFTIs at the moment, but you could find some inspiration here:


To use itk.js from, see this example:

To read a DICOM series, use readImageDICOMFileSeries. To read a multi-frame DICOM, use readImageFile.

Convert the resulting itk/Image to a vtkImageData with convertItkToVtkImage.

Sorry for the late reply and thanks for the suggestion.
I successfully use ITK.js to read the Dicom images in the Django framework. I couldn’t use itk.js from as I guess there’s some problem either on my side or somewhere inside that package. But after passing itk.js as like this
<script src=""></script> worked for me.
I was wondering is there any way to pass below function in VTK.js:
smooth = vtk.vtkImageGaussianSmooth()
I searched a lot but I couldn’t find an image gaussian function inside both itk and vtk.js.
Do you have any suggestions for this?
Thank you!

Is there something problematic about SmoothWithRecursiveGaussian?

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