I suggest
pip install --upgrade itk-tubetk
That version of TubeTK is now quite old and incompatible with the recent ITK RCs.
I suggest
pip install --upgrade itk-tubetk
That version of TubeTK is now quite old and incompatible with the recent ITK RCs.
Thanks for the reply. It seems the minimalpathextraction is already up to date. When I tried 1.2.3, this reported:
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement itk-minimalpathextraction==1.2.3 (from versions: 1.1.2, 1.2.0, 1.2.1, 1.2.2)
What do you mean by CI? I am still on my learning curve.
Did you try the command I suggested? It should automatically upgrade your TubeTK to the latest version and bring in the compatible version of MinimalPathExtraction.
MInimalPathExtraction 1.2.3 is available on Python 3.7-3.10
To verify what you’ve installed, please post the output from
If on Mac/Linux:
pip list | grep itk
If on Windows
pip list
and then cut-and-paste the lines that list all of the itk packages including itk-core, itk-minimalpathextraction, and itk-tubetk
Please also let us know what version of python you are using
python --version
Great - that is the most recent version of everything, and that platform is part of our CI (continuous integration) testing - meaning that we test on Windows before releasing.
My only concern is the Python 3.10. That is a less tested setup, but it should work (I only released support for 3.10 a few days ago for itk-tubetk).
Given the upgrades/downgrades recently performed, have you tried creating a new virtual environment to see if the problems persist? That would be my next step, if you haven’t already done that.