How to extract blood vessel's orientation in Python?

Hi all,

I am new to ITK and I’d like to look for a way to use simpleITk or Python ITK to extract the blood vessel’s orientation.

I reviewd the function itk.hessian_recursive_gaussian_image_filter that can compute the hessian matrix from an image, and then the function itk.Hessian3DToVesselnessMeasureImageFilter can compute the vesselness from the hessian image. Could you give me some description about the output of the itk.hessian_recursive_gaussian_image_filter function? Also, how can I extract vessel’s orientation?

Thanks so much!

In SimpleITK there is the ObjectnessMeasureImageFilter which is a low level feature computation that is implemented as a combination of the HessianImageFilter and the HessianToObjectnessMeasureImageFilter.

I suspect you are looking for a higher level tool, where TubeTk may be the ITK remote module you are looking for. @Stephen_Aylward

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Thank you very much! I tried it but I’m still not sure about how to get the blood vessel’s orientation in each voxel, do you have some experience about this?