How do I use a `vtkStructuredGrid`?

Hello, I would like to know if there is a way to cast, filter or otherwise load a vtkStructuredGrid with ITK? (something similar to itk.image_from_vtk_image would be great, but any other way is welcome). Thanks!

| itk                       |  5.3.0 |
| itk-core                  |  5.3.0 |
| itk-elastix               | 0.15.0 |
| itk-filtering             |  5.3.0 |
| itk-io                    |  5.3.0 |
| itk-meshtopolydata        | 0.10.0 |
| itk-minimalpathextraction |  1.2.4 |
| itk-numerics              |  5.3.0 |
| itk-registration          |  5.3.0 |
| itk-segmentation          |  5.3.0 |
| itk-strain                |  0.3.6 |
| itk-tubetk                |  1.3.4 |
| itkwidgets                | 0.32.5 |
| numpy                     | 1.24.1 |
| pyvista                   | 0.37.0 |
| scipy                     | 1.10.0 |
| python                    | 3.10.9 |