In your superbuild, how are you getting ITK? git? tar-ball?
Some superbuild projects allow the setting of the source code directory of the sub-projects (ITK), this allows you to build the superbuild project against a custom version of the external project. This is much better that editing files in a check out source directory that is part of the superbuild build directory, because the superbuild may modify or change that checked out/untared directory when a top-level build is done.
Well, since it is my personal superbuild, I want it to have everything in there, because that way I have the same environment on all machines and do not manually need to update everything.
As you might be ablt to read from the initial post, I am kinda frustrated…
dkuegler@pc2046 /cygdrive/g/super/itk $ ./Utilities/
Checking Git version…
Git version 2.14.1 is OK.
Setting pushurl for origin.
Checking basic user information…
Please enter your full name, such as ‘John Doe’: David K____
Setting name to 'David Kügler’
Please enter your email address, such as ‘’: david.k___@___
Setting email address to 'david.k___@____'
Your commits will have the following author:
David K___ <david.k___@___>
Is the author name and email address above correct? [Y/n]
Setting up git hooks… ./ Zeile 39: cd: /cygdrive/g/super/itk/Utilities/DevelopmentSetupScripts/…/…/.git/hooks: Not a directory Leeres Git-Repository in /cygdrive/g/super/itk/Utilities/DevelopmentSetupScripts/.git/ initialisiert
Pulling the hooks…
warning: Leite nach um
remote: Counting objects: 202, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (81/81), done.
remote: Total 202 (delta 122), reused 195 (delta 117)
Empfange Objekte: 100% (202/202), 39.95 KiB | 300.00 KiB/s, Fertig.
Löse Unterschiede auf: 100% (122/122), Fertig.
branch hooks -> FETCH_HEAD
HEAD ist jetzt bei 76566ed Add a ‘post-commit’ hook.
Setting up the uncrustify hook…
Setting up the KWStyle hook…
Setting up useful Git aliases…
Would you like general Git aliases to be global? [y/N]:
Setting up Gerrit…
Gerrit is a code review system that works with Git.
In order to use Gerrit, an account must be registered at the review site:
Well, in order to work properly, I think SetupForDevelopment would need to be modified, so it can actually “reroute” to super/.git/modules/itk instead of …/…/.git
SetupForDevelopment seems to be just not compatible with superbuilds…
I remember there was a similar issue once in the plus toolkit (they seem to have copied the script from ITK).