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After logging in, a new question can be posted by selecting a category and clicking on NewTopic button found in the top right corner.

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Questions are organized by categories:

For instructions on how to use Discourse via email, please read the following post: Using Discourse as a mailing list.

I currently don’t see categories. I assume we will discuss which ones to have?

Edit: we do, I just didn’t see them right away!

Yes, those categories are a starting point – they could be refined.

The categories are very reasonable, and its a short list - which is a good thing. We might want to roll “Site Feedback” into “Uncategorized”, as it will likely not be used much. It will probably be used somewhat in the first few weeks, so we might want to wait a little bit with merging - assuming merging categories is easy.

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Will users and developers be separated on discourse like they are on the mailing lists? Is the “community” category for the users?

Yes, we could remove Site Feedback. Uncategorized is a special category that can’t be removed.

To delete Site Feedback, we have to move this topic. We will move to Uncategorized?

Users and developers will not be separated, aside from separation created by visitors themselves by setting up filters and subscribing to some categories but not others.

It is a good question whether “Community” is for user questions. Perhaps we should have a category with a name suggestive of that? And make that category be the default? Most visitors will want to ask a question about using ITK, much less people about developing it.

Moving to uncategorized sounds good.

The categories are currently

  • Announcements: for release announcements, etc.
  • Engineering: how to build, etc.
  • Community: new documentation, GitHub usage, etc.
  • Algorithms: how a segmentation method works, etc.
  • Uncategorized: everything else
  • Site Feedback (to be removed?): feedback on the site itself

We could improve these or their descriptions.

I do not think a separation into users and developers encourages participation.

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Anyone who uses ITK is a developer that is developing it. The “lesser” attribution to new developers as “users” does not encourage contribution from folks who have a lot to add to the community.

To encourage new participation, maybe a “Beginner” or “First-Timer” category?

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“Beginner questions” sounds good. Most people will want to start by posting in that category, unless they are able to categorize their post which means they are not beginners :smiley:

Moving to uncategorized sounds good.


“Beginner questions” sounds good. Most people will want to start by posting in that category, unless they are able to categorize their post which means they are not beginners 

Here it is. The description can be improved?

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Can we make beginner questions be second category right after announcements? Can beginner questions be made the default category for new topics? If not, can it be second on that list, right after “Uncategorized”?

Can we make beginner questions be second category right after announcements?

Yes, done.

Can beginner questions be made the default category for new topics? If not, can it be second on that list, right after “Uncategorized”?

According to this thread, it is currently not possible.


If default is not possible, can we have it second on the list?

I am not aware of a way to specify that order. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Maybe it is auto-sorted based on frequency of posting? If we can’t influence it, just let it be :smiley:

@matt.mccormick Thanks a lot for setting this up. It’s great that ITK discussions are moving here!