I am getting this error!!
THE mhd File can’t be found or read by the simpleitk 1.2.4
I am getting the same error!
What to do??
RuntimeError: Exception thrown in SimpleITK ReadImage: /tmp/SimpleITK-build/ITK/Modules/IO/Meta/src/itkMetaImageIO.cxx:491:
itk::ERROR: MetaImageIO(0x5626ef6dffe0): File cannot be read: /data/lobedata/LUNG_LOBE_CT_Data/Train/Image/ for reading.
Reason: No such file or directory
I was reading the file by this code: sitk.ReadImage(file_image, sitk.sitkInt16)
But I checked that the file is there.
I am using ubuntu 18.04. SimpleITK 1.2.4