Failed to compile ITKGrowCut

I want to use ITKGrowCut in my project, but I met some trouble to compile it. The code is download fro github.

In the first time, I successfully compile it with Build_Testing off. But, when I include the itkFastGrowCut.h in my project, a bug is reported:

1. can not open "itkPrintHelper.h"
2. missing type specifier- int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int

The second bug is located at: ITK_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_MOVE(FastGrowCut); (itkFastGrowCut).

Then, I turn Build_Testing on, and more bugs are reported when compiling it:

1. can not open `itkImageRegionIterator.h`
2. can not open `itkImageRegionIteratorWithIndex.h`
3. can not open `itkNumericTraits.h`
4. can not open `itkRegionOfInterestImageFilter.h`
5. can not open `GrowCutExport.h`
6. can not open `itkImageToImageFilter.h`
7. can not open `itkPrintHelper.h`
8. identifier 'LabPixelType` is not defined.
9. identifier `SrcPixelType` is not defined

All the above bugs is reported from GrowCut-all project.

My environment is:

win 10
vs 2019
cmake 3.20.4
ITK: 4.13.3

Hi @zhang-qiang-github ,

You will need to you ITK 5.

Hope this helps,

CC @dzenanz