Error happened at Release Mode of Forward1DFFTImageFilter

I have codes below which is running correctly under Debugmode

using PixelType = float;
constexpr unsigned int Dimension = 3;
using ImageType = itk::Image<PixelType, Dimension>;
using ComplexImageType = itk::Image<complex<float>, Dimension>;
ImageType::Pointer itkImage = dynamic_cast<ImageType*>(imageIn.GetITKBase());
using FFTFilterType = itk::Forward1DFFTImageFilter<ImageType, ComplexImageType>;
FFTFilterType::Pointer fftFilter = FFTFilterType::New();

However, I got error of
“Unhandled exception at 0x00007FFA955BB699 in testOpenImage.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: itk::ExceptionObject at memory location 0x000000643432F6F8.”
when running under Release mode at:

FFTFilterType::Pointer fftFilter = FFTFilterType::New();

Can anyone advise?


Forward1DFFTImageFilter is a base class, you should not use it but one of its descendents: FFTWForwardFFTImageFilter or VnlForwardFFTImageFilter.

Geat! thanks for pointing this out!