DICOMSeriesImageReadWrite2.cxx view nrrd file online or MFC or frontend javascript or html5


I used the DicomSeriesImageReadWrite2.cxx to read a Dicom series of 207 dicom files. It seems working now but I created a huge nrrd file which takes forever to view with UCLA online Brian viewer, any idea if there is another way to view this nrrd file online?


Hi sag,


  • itk-vtk-viewer – note that this support NRRD files, but also reading DICOM series directly. To read a NRRD file, click on the page or press enter, then select the NRRD files. To read a DICOM series, select all the files in the series.
  • ParaView Glance

Hope this helps,

Hi matt,

I certainly did , I appreciate it!


  1. I have DICOM Series one for PET and another one for CT ----> PT+CT, I would like to register each slice of each series I assume easiest would be to register one PET DICOM slice with one CT DICOM slice and then save THE REGISTERED SLICE AS DICOM AND I WOULD HAVE A REGISTERED DICOM SERIES, WOULD THIS DICOM SERIES WORK IN PARAVIEW TO VISUALIZE?


Glad to hear, sag :-).

Registration will work best with the entire volume. Saving as a NRRD file works well for visualization.

Hi @matt,

Thank you so much for the guidance!


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