Creating Digitally Reconstructed Radiographs from Chest CT

Hello all,

I want to solve a 3D (CT) - 2D (fluoro/xray) registration task. I have found out so far that the most straightforward option is to first generate DRR based on CT and then register them.

I am not sure how a generation of DRR works - I know there exist solutions in RTK, [ITK], or 3DSlicer (DRR module / Volume Rendering module); however, I lack the background information I need for that. I haven’t found a good resource to learn from. Is there any good book/webinar that explains this?

I have SID/voxel spacing information from the attached CT di-comm headers. How can I use them as an approximation for DRR generation?

Could somebody share the optimal way in SITK how to register it?


(Create DRR image from Chest CT scan)

Hello @BraveDistribution,

Unfortunately, SimpleITK does not support 2D/3D (perspective-projection-image/volume) registration.

I highly recommend that you formulate the task more rigorously, 2D/3D registration covers a very broad set of problems. As a starting point, is the imaged object rigid or deformable (liver vs. bone), is it a single object or multiple objects (multiple bones that can move independently or a single bone) etc.

Reading some old works can give you a reasonable background before you start, this book chapter on rigid registration, this classic paper on similarity metrics, there are many more publications covering various aspects of the problem.

Also, read about the more modern machine learning based approaches, in this overview paper.

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@simon.rit might have some advice or further reading regarding DRR.

I don’t have a good reading for DRR. You can indeed use RTK and I include a simple example below to project an input ct.mha to a 3D stack of projections drr.mha using RTK Python package. The difficulty might be to understand RTK’s geometry which is explained here.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import itk
from itk import RTK as rtk

# Defines the image type
ImageType = itk.Image[itk.F,3]

# Defines the RTK geometry object
geometry = rtk.ThreeDCircularProjectionGeometry.New()
numberOfProjections = 360
firstAngle = 0.
angularArc = 360.
sid = 600 # source to isocenter distance
sdd = 1200 # source to detector distance
for x in range(0,numberOfProjections):
  angle = firstAngle + x * angularArc / numberOfProjections

# Writing the geometry to disk
xmlWriter = rtk.ThreeDCircularProjectionGeometryXMLFileWriter.New()
xmlWriter.SetFilename ( 'geometry.xml' )
xmlWriter.SetObject ( geometry )

# Create a stack of empty projection images
ConstantImageSourceType = rtk.ConstantImageSource[ImageType]
constantImageSource = ConstantImageSourceType.New()
origin = [ -127, -127, 0. ]
sizeOutput = [ 128, 128,  numberOfProjections ]
spacing = [ 2.0, 2.0, 2.0 ]
constantImageSource.SetOrigin( origin )
constantImageSource.SetSpacing( spacing )
constantImageSource.SetSize( sizeOutput )

# Read projected image
inputCT = itk.imread('ct.mha')

# Pr
JosephType = rtk.JosephForwardProjectionImageFilter[ImageType, ImageType]
joseph = JosephType.New()
joseph.SetGeometry( geometry )
joseph.SetInput(1, inputCT)

itk.imwrite(joseph.GetOutput(), 'drr.mha')
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Dear @simon.rit ,

thanks for your response.

[1911.07042] Automatic Annotation of Hip Anatomy in Fluoroscopy for Robust and Efficient 2D/3D Registration - could you give me an example with one abdominal CT?

I have provided mha CT here (18-2799.mha - Google Drive) - (I will have to delete this later, but you can find full dataset at the page 3. - Johns Hopkins Research Data Repository).

I have tried your example with following changes but it is only full black.

sid = 200 # source to isocenter distance
sdd = 1000 # source to detector distance
origin = [-203, -107, -221]
sizeOutput = [419, 215, number_of_projections]
spacing = [1, 1, 1]


My reconstructed ( I am doing something wrong definitely, since everything is black :slight_smile: ).


Enclosed a modification for this image.
Simon (1.77 KB)

Hi Simon!

thanks for your reply. I have tried this out, however I don’t see the hipjoint at all in the reconstructed xray.

have I done something wrong?

Comparison with original CT:


Ok, you had only mentioned black images… you might want to change the input orientation to follow the RTK geometry, e.g. with the direction

# Create a stack of empty projection images
ConstantImageSourceType = rtk.ConstantImageSource[ImageType]
constantImageSource = ConstantImageSourceType.New()
origin = [ -511, -511, 0. ]
sizeOutput = [ 512, 512,  numberOfProjections ]
spacing = [ 2.0, 2.0, 2.0 ]
constantImageSource.SetOrigin( origin )
constantImageSource.SetSpacing( spacing )
constantImageSource.SetSize( sizeOutput )

# Read projected image
inputCT = itk.imread('18-2799.mha')
inputCTarray = itk.array_view_from_image(inputCT)
inputCTarray += 1000.

I think you need to take the time to read and understand the geometry documentation.

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Thanks, Simon, for your constant effort.

I have read the geometry of the RTK and image tutorials tens of times, but I still cannot wrap my head around it - that’s on me :(.

With the code you have proposed, it now looks like this:


I still don’t grasp why we had to change the directions as you did. Is it because of this drawing and that the RTK uses Euler ZXY conventions?

My original volume:

  • The first slice (red) corresponds to the feet-to-head view; therefore, it should represent the RTK y-axis. The y-axis according to the ZXY convention should be last → therefore, you changed the direction for the first array to [0, 0, 1].
  • The second slice (yellow) on my volume corresponds to left-to-right, which is the x-axis in RTK. According to the ZXY convention, it’s in second place; we put [0, 1, 0] in the direction vector.
  • The third image is an AP-PA view, which according to ZXY should be first. We put [-1, 0, 0] in the direction.

Are my assumptions correct?


The geometry is key and is not straightforward to understand so no worries. Forget about the Euler convention, this is not important here because you rotate around one axis only so the order does not matter. What matters is that the GantryAngle is for the Y axis. In other words, the axis around which you rotate is Y in your image.
The DICOM convention (which your image follows I believe) sets the cranio caudal / feed to head direction in the Z direction. So if this is the direction around which you rotate, you must transform Z to Y before passing your image. This can be done using the direction matrix and the second line of the direction matrix transforms voxels in the Z direction to coordinates in the Y directions. The other directions have been swapped (first line transforms Y to X and third line transforms X to Z + mirrors it).

I am not commenting your assumptions because you express everything in terms of anatomical orientation and RTK makes no assumption on this. All it does is place the source at location (SID,0,0) for GantryAngle 0°, (0,0,SID) for GantryAngle 90° etc.

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Thank you very much Simon. Now I understand it perfectly!