Convert a narrow-band level set into a "full-band" level set

Hey all,

I have a narrow-band level set segmentation created from an ITK/VTK-based package (VMTK). However, I’d like to convert this narrow-band level set into a full-band, e.g., get a full distance field from the interpolated isocontour/zero-level set throughout the entire image volume. What is the best way to go about this? I’d specifically like to keep the exact same zero-level set/subvoxel precision, so I want to avoid any method that requires a binary mask conversion.

I’ve tried the IsoContourDistance filter using SimpleITK, but this only outputs another narrow-banded image.

Have you tried increasing NarrowBand’s Inner and Total Radius?

Hello @tossin,

Would a filter like the HausdorffDistanceImageFilterSimpleITK: itk::simple::HausdorffDistanceImageFilter Class Reference) meet your needs?


Welcome to the ITK community! :sun_with_face:

The FastMarchingImageFilter may be of interest.