Hello @Jigabytes,
Per @mattias advice, if your PET/CT images are not aligned then you will first have to look into registration (see the SimpleITK examples or notebooks for details on that) .
Given that images acquired with modern machines are intrinsically registered you may not need to perform registration.
The main thing to note is that an image occupies a region in physical space, defined by image origin, size (number of pixels), spacing, and direction cosine matrix. ITK/SimpleITK deal with that under the hood. See the SimpleITK fundamental concepts documentation.
The code below does what you want, tested on PET/CT data downloaded from here.
import SimpleITK as sitk
image_dirs = ['PET', 'CT']
def read_first_series_in_dir(dir):
series_reader = sitk.ImageSeriesReader()
series_IDs = sitk.ImageSeriesReader.GetGDCMSeriesIDs(dir)
series_file_names = sitk.ImageSeriesReader.GetGDCMSeriesFileNames(dir, series_IDs[0])
return series_reader.Execute()
images = [read_first_series_in_dir(image_dir) for image_dir in image_dirs]
pet_image = images[0]
ct_image = images[1]
print('PET information:')
print('\timage size: {0}'.format(pet_image.GetSize()))
print('\timage spacing: {0}'.format(pet_image.GetSpacing()))
print('\tpixel type: ' + pet_image.GetPixelIDTypeAsString())
print('\tnumber of channels: ' + str(pet_image.GetNumberOfComponentsPerPixel()))
print('CT information:')
print('\timage size: {0}'.format(ct_image.GetSize()))
print('\timage spacing: {0}'.format(ct_image.GetSpacing()))
print('\tpixel type: ' + ct_image.GetPixelIDTypeAsString())
print('\tnumber of channels: ' + str(ct_image.GetNumberOfComponentsPerPixel()))
# Resample PET onto CT grid using default interpolator and identity transformation.
pet_image_resampled = sitk.Resample(pet_image, ct_image)
# Compose the PET and CT image into a single two channel image.
# The pixel types of all channels need to match, so we upcast the CT from
# 32bit signed int to the PET pixel type of 64bit float.
pet_ct_combined = sitk.Compose(pet_image_resampled, sitk.Cast(ct_image, pet_image_resampled.GetPixelID()))
print('Combined PET-CT information:')
print('\timage size: {0}'.format(pet_ct_combined.GetSize()))
print('\timage spacing: {0}'.format(pet_ct_combined.GetSpacing()))
print('\tpixel type: ' + pet_ct_combined.GetPixelIDTypeAsString())
print('\tnumber of channels: ' + str(pet_ct_combined.GetNumberOfComponentsPerPixel()))