I have implemented the following code to move the center of gravity to the center of the image. The resulting image does not appear to be properly centered as expected.
import itk
import SimpleITK as sitk
common_path = "/home/Dataset/Lung"
# Load the lung CT image
lung_image = sitk.ReadImage(f"{common_path}/mr.nii.gz")
# Compute the moments and get the center of gravity
lung = itk.imread(f"{common_path}/mr.nii.gz")
moments = itk.ImageMomentsCalculator.New(lung)
center_of_gravity = moments.GetCenterOfGravity()
# Print the center of gravity
print(f"Center of gravity: {center_of_gravity}")
# Calculate the translation to move the center of gravity to the center of the image
size_x, size_y, size_z = lung_image.GetSize()
translation = [size_x // 2 - int(center_of_gravity[0]),
size_y // 2 - int(center_of_gravity[1]),
size_z // 2 - int(center_of_gravity[2])]
# Create a translation transform
translation_transform = sitk.TranslationTransform(3)
# Apply the translation transform to the image to center it
centered_lung_image = sitk.Resample(lung_image, translation_transform, sitk.sitkLinear, 0.0, lung_image.GetPixelID())
output_path = f"{common_path}/centered.nii.gz"
sitk.WriteImage(centered_lung_image, output_path)