Build error with SimpleFastMutexLock

In trying to build I get this error in generating one particular XML file:
[ 33%] Generating …/…/itkVnlForwardFFTImageFilter.xml
/home/melrobin/packages/ITK/build/Wrapping/itkFFTWGlobalConfiguration.cxx:38:18: error:
no type named ‘SimpleFastMutexLock’ in namespace ‘itk’
typedef itk::SimpleFastMutexLock itkSimpleFastMutexLock;
1 error generated.

Any ideas on what to do?

There was a recent patch which deprecated itk::SimpleFastMutexLock and some other classes. I guess that this needs to be handled in Python wrappings too. I will look into it. Thanks for reporting!

It looks like there was a leftover wrapping for SimpleFastMutexLock. Let’s see if this fixes it. Can you also try this fix locally @melrobin?

It may have fixed this, but I’m not sure because some other stuff is broken:
/home/melrobin/packages/ITK/build/Wrapping/itkLabelSetMorphBaseImageFilter.cxx:26:78: error:
template argument for non-type template parameter must be an expression
…itk::Image< signed short,2 >, itk::Image< signed short,2 > > itkLabelSet…
/home/melrobin/packages/ITK/Modules/Remote/LabelErodeDilate/include/itkLabelSetMorphBaseImageFilter.h:45:38: note:
template parameter is declared here
template< typename TInputImage, bool doDilate,
/home/melrobin/packages/ITK/build/Wrapping/itkLabelSetMorphBaseImageFilter.cxx:27:78: error:
template argument for non-type template parameter must be an expression
…itk::Image< signed short,2 >, itk::Image< signed short,2 > >::Pointer it…
/home/melrobin/packages/ITK/Modules/Remote/LabelErodeDilate/include/itkLabelSetMorphBaseImageFilter.h:45:38: note:
template parameter is declared here
template< typename TInputImage, bool doDilate,

I’m not sure if this is the same problem though.

That is certainly not the same problem. That is related to LabelErodeDilate remote module. Do you need that module? If not, you could just disable it (set Module_LabelErodeDilate to OFF) in CMake configure step.

OK, I disabled and am rebuilding.

Still building, but I would say that the fix worked.

The wrapping of the classes is probably not accurate.

I cannot open an issue on the repository, would it would be nice if anybody who has the rights did it.

The build completed and the fix did work. I do not believe that I as a regular user can open one up.

I enabled issues on that repository. I hesitated to do so earlier, because it is a fork of @richard.beare’s repo.

I would recommend to delete the wrapping of the base class: itkLabelSetMorphBaseImageFilter. Opened issue:

The wrapping issue has been fixed :rocket: :fireworks: :tada: in master.

Thanks both @phcerdan and @matt.mccormick.