Adding read AND write for HTJ2K TransferSyntax to GDCM


Are there any plans to add support for reading and writing of DICOM files pixels encoded with the suite of HTJ2k based transfer syntaxes.

It looks like GDCMImageIO currently only supports JPEG, JPEG2000, JPEGLS and RLE.

ITK already has support for encoding and decoding this via the OpenJPHImageIO that can be installed for Python via “pip install itk-ioopenjph”. See GitHub - InsightSoftwareConsortium/ITKIOOpenJPH: An ITK module to read and write High-throughput JPEG2000 (HTJ2K) images.


@jadh4v might have some information.

As far as I know, there aren’t any plans on horizon for this. @matt.mccormick or @jcfr might have more to add.

I now see there is an open issue to track this:

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The OpenJPEG library has been updated in ITK to 2.5.2.

There is a PR prototype for support here:

Changes need to make it into GDCM for official support, but this change worked for a few images I tested.


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Amazing. Thanks.

How simple is the process of attempting to build this branch myself?

Alternatively, any idea how long before this makes an official release?

Hi @dazzag ,

If you check out the Git branch, we have simplified build instructions in our new documentation:

Build and test ITK - ITK's documentation

This patches are being merged into upstream GDCM. They will like be available in upcoming ITK 6 pre-releases.

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