Add some sign-up filtering to avoid spam

The amount of noise will make users to unsubscribe.

Not sure what is the best way to filter-out these spammers, but must be a way to filter sign-ups.
Maybe discourse can send a confirmation email to fully validate sign-up?

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Behind the scene, discourse is constantly under enormous pressure fighting off huge amount of spam and it generally does a decent job.

The recent surge of spam might be due to this discourse instance missing a critical update. @matt.mccormick could you install it?

If the update does not help, then spam filtering settings may need to be tightened up a bit. For example, heuristic detection sensitivity can be increased or more user activity can be required before allowing new users to post without moderator approval. It is possible to configure discourse to make it almost impossible for spam to get through but that puts more work on moderators and can be annoying for users, so it is better to tune the settings slowly and carefully.


@kitware-sysadmin and/or @Ian_Sacklow should be aware of this topic.

@kitware-sysadmin has updated Discourse and enabled a spam filter.