cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16) project(RigidRegistration) # Use C++17 or newer with itk-wasm set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 17) # We always want to build against the WebAssemblyInterface module. set(itk_components WebAssemblyInterface ) # WASI or native binaries if (NOT EMSCRIPTEN) # WebAssemblyInterface supports the .iwi, .iwi.cbor itk-wasm format. # We can list other ITK IO modules to build against to support other # formats when building native executable or WASI WebAssembly. # However, this will bloat the size of the WASI WebAssembly binary, so # add them judiciously. set(itk_components ${itk_components} ITKIOPNG ITKIOGDCM ITKIOImageBase ITKIOTransformBase ITKOptimizersv4 ITKMetricsv4 ITKRegistrationMethodsv4 ITKImageIO # Adds support for all available image IO modules ) endif() find_package(ITK REQUIRED COMPONENTS ${itk_components} #PATHS /home/david/src/InsightToolkit-5.3.0-l-build ) include(${ITK_USE_FILE}) add_executable(RigidRegistration ImageRegistration8.cxx) target_link_libraries(RigidRegistration PUBLIC ${ITK_LIBRARIES})